30 day roll, lets do this

yes , buds bigger than 12 oz beer cans and getting fatter by the day


Well frig…lol…will have to give it another try. Thanks for the tips!!


if your bud is sticky n dense thing doesnt work worth a shit , would work on dry dispo bud i bet :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Well for fuck…gives me hope just to dash those hopes again…lol…thanks, man…lol


i threw mine away


Whoa, ICC covered in keif hits HARD !!



Forgot to mention , i met another member from here the other day , doh , lol . Might be first one i have met , think it was .

Was cool , had a good visit over several hours .and we seemed to click just fine . His taste in hot rods is , well , different than mine , lol .

We shared some bud , and i gave him some of mine to help me in my Kush Off .

Hope we can coordinate and both lite up same bud same time , share thoughts . Be good to get another view , im too close to be 100 percent objective.

He said was tied up working till Saturday , maybe Sat evening while watching UFC if he aint out dancing he can pop in and help me do this , declare the winner , close that thread


Caps Cut n Frankie almost in da house :sunglasses:


Great job :+1::+1: jet amazing looking :eyes: bud


To replace pos sprayer i left at HD
Should work well on cuts clones small stuff
Also got gallon pump sprayer , the two should work just fine . Hoping i can get small one up inside middle of big plants to get undersides .

Learned another lesson . Had all mites gone , or apparently not , let them get to Frankie .
Never again . Bought nuff shit to make 5 gallons of One n Done , will spray once a week from now on . Plants like it , can even hit lights on , which i do not , and i have seen nothing but happy plants using it . I must be bringing them back in, or the pack is , or wtf knows for sure , but weekly hits of One n Done will insure no other plant gets hit again.

Been up since 4am with Paddles . The giant pupster has a cold , and could hear his breathing was stuffy . Know he needed antibiotics, but also knew the hassle of vets and getting anything from them easy or cheap .
Imagine this , lol , after a 80 buck office visit , with a tech who knows less than me about animals , they inform me he has a cold and needs anti’s :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Duh … Just friggin tell me how much it is and let me get out of here with some pills

149 bucks… bunch o bullshit , meds cost them 5 bucks .

stopped at a little food truck coming back from the vets , bought 4 big meatballs . Put pills in 2 of them , brought other two home . Filled inside of meatballs with Vodka :boom: He gobbled all four , made a funny face on the Vodka ones but wolfed em anyways .

Go fill up 8 octo’s in another room . I hear a weird noise from livingroom . Go look , paddles is passed out , half his nose in water bowl , every time he breathed out it bubbled…

He was up all night i think , now passed out snoring on my feet :+1::+1:


Like taking care of a horse. :slightly_smiling_face:


Vets take advantage . Only use them when i have to , which is pretty much only when i need medications


They are trained to prey on peoples emotions for their pets. :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign:


They wanted to do a $300 chest x-ray I looked at her and said are you insane aren’t you the same tech who checked him out when I got him and we went through every damn possible thing and he’s healthy as a mule it’s just a damn cold I know it you know it the world friggin knows it don’t try to make me feel bad about not buying a chest x-ray I thought she was going to cry


She needed help making her lexus lease payment.


Lumpy is kicking major ass , gonna be choice bud i can just tell .

The 4 WC younguns just flipped look excellent , with one n done back here today they will finish out beautifully .

Gotta figure out next set of four , 28 days till flip aint even figured out who to run :see_no_evil:

monsoon season started yesterday so now it will be 80° and 3 inches of rain every day for the next month the poor little outside ladies will absolutely get destroyed and they’re almost finished so when it stops raining here today I am going to put all of them underneath my canopy along the edges keep them out of the monsoon get some sunlight at least give me a chance of letting them finish I want to finish the Tahoe because it looks really nice


On more gadget my wife will bitch about! Love it! :partying_face::joy::partying_face::joy::partying_face::joy:


get well soon Paddles!! :slight_smile: the sprayer loks handy!


was suppose to here yesterday , Amazon pulled a no show

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I must be lucky. My sprayer still works 2 years after I bought it.