30 day roll, lets do this

I like her best at 70
And still she’s even a great smoke at 8 weeks



Yeah , Frankie suits me , lit up like a Roman Candle on 1/3 of green joint .Very nice lady Mr. Potseed , Very nice . Jet approved even before its dry or cured :boom:


Maybe 82 days ??? Mac was over done , lol , but appears to have brought. out her reek . Forgot just how NICE Mac 1 is . Batch now reeks amazingly when smashed bud in hand , more so than past runs of her


that mac1 is on my next to grab list as soon as i see it in canada im saving up for her
just sent my ecsd to flower yesterday ill send in tk next then chem91 i should have a crowded 4x4 by christmas got a few in already


Most articles iv read say to pick bet between 10 to 12 weeks

How do the trichomes look

you gonna run the frank again with better attention and no mites ? i bet that would be a good out door crop for next year


Been a minute since i have had some Mac 1

4 day dry test joint


Ready to trim and hang.


all set for wholesale production :sunglasses:


Thing is brilliant , works amazingly well , why are not all sprayers made this way ? Uses so little product , mist is absolutely a super fine mist , will hold a solid steady mist with steady pumping or one nice big burst with slow single trigger pull . Works upside down just fine , easy to get into plants . Dont think ill even need the gallon sprayer , think this will work for everything .

All my ingredients except one have shown up for the One n Done , waiting on poly 80 , so sprayer was tried plain water . When 80 shows ill make One n Done up and test through this thing .


i wanna give this a try


im done with elec sprayers, this was 14 bucks , gonna order a backup or 2 just in case , not missing anymore Preventative spraying cause sprayer doesnt work .

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Wedding Cake day 6 maybe

other side is Lumpy , ChemD, Giesel , and GMO

Sure hope the polysorbate shows today , really want to hit the big girls one more time justcto be safe .

WC hitting her stride , took a bit but i got her figured pretty well now , these 4 should be a beauty show if my product shows and i can insure no bugs .

Cant find any in mom tent nor on any other plants . Appears to have been limited to Frankie , but i know how that goes :see_no_evil: so soon as last shit arrives im going to town with the milk and for sure staying on it like Johnny does , thinking weekly .


Azamax and Dr. zymes , costs about 100 bucks . lasts 4 or 5 treatments . All the other snake oils about the same .

For 125 bucks i just made a few years worth of One n Done , if i use it weekly !! It also works better than ANYTHING i have tried , and i have tried them all . Plants love it can use lights on if have to , no downsides to it otjer than sourcing all the stuff , but Amazon had it all but the 190 proof

I feel like A BIG WIN and KNOW my grows will be bug free from now on

Thank you again @JohnnyPotseed for turning is all on to this , one of the best products i ever used , now can make it myself . :sunglasses::boom::sunglasses:

Now to see how it works in my new mini sprayer and soak all my plants


Little pump sprayer is the TITS! Much better coverage due to its ultra fine mist , and fact it is so small you can maneuver it everywhere .
Used 1/2 the One n Done the electric POS did and absolutely 100 percent coverage especially underneath the leafs . This made it a pleasure to treat my plants today .

Ordered 2 more :sunglasses:


Would the one n done be better stored in a plastic drum ? ( in case of a mishap ) the glass freeks me out

: )


all food grade and edible , nothing toxic , doubt flammable , jars were handy . I have enough to make 5 more batchs that size so i need not worry about it much


Great hack on this One n Done. I love it when shit works. :100:


Yeah its great shit for years for price of 2 bottles of anything else , and it works


Can’t beat supply and it works. Plants not giving a fuck also huge bonus.