30 day roll, lets do this

I mean all yours have died…

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I will order sunclones

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Yeah, prolly much better anyways… :boom:


Middy Southern ditch weed.

You never answered, the pack ever get jealous of the amount of attention you show you plants and piss on your soil when its drying on those tarps?

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Hopefully the dirt dries out today, will want to use it like Mon/Tue/Wed this coming week, be lots of potting and changing things up a bit.

REAL early test of ChemD…HMMMMMM…think i see where she is going , and it’s gonna be different than any of my others for sure. Already has a chemy, tire, industrial taste to her and she is still green (2 days cannatrol, it will burn , lol ) . Appears power level will there too :sunglasses:

Think ill sneak test Giesel too, since she actually yielded acceptable i would say, barely, but acceptable.
Like trying early, see how the smell/taste progress’s.

Found some BUD ROT on Fritter :poop: I opened her up and splayed her out now Giesel is gone, ONE BIG BUD , which was hidden and jammed down in canopy had some rot on it. About half the bud. I removed whole bud, checked her close…didnt see anymore.

WARNING on Fritter:::

She goes DENSE and HEAVY, n STICKY. PERFECT candidate for rot. Her buds are so gooey they feel wet, and humididty in room is 50 %!!! Opened her way up, spread her arms out, got big fan cranking on her full time. See anymore start, ill take her…she looks done to me anyways but still sucking he rez dry FAST, so know she aint finished packing weight. Branch’s cant hold anmore, all my yoyo’s are in action , i let her get way way too big.

Live n learn i always say


My doggo will dig in the soil when I’m mixing a batch, never caught her urinating on it. But hey, free nitrogen rught?


No, they wont DARE step on it, nor piss on it.

Gotta understand, my 4th set of GSD’s. I KNOW the breed. I am home 24/7 , they are WELL TRAINED and honestly, will do anything i ask of them. I could throw a pork chop in the yard, tell them its a NO, DO NOT TOUCH…go to town, come back hour later, it would not be touched.

Same thing inside, They never harm anything, will not come through doggie door WHEN WET, wont bring in sticks or throphies , clean up their mess at their food bowls.

We have a peaceful co existance , brought about by them knowing i love them, and hard training since 8 weeks old. They are GSD’s, THEY NEED A JOB…i understand that, keep them mentally occupied and physically fit with test everyday. They love the work, would hate being normal dogs.

Your cuts are fine as you know…hoping for roots by Monday, thats the plan. If so, ship like Wednesday or so.

YOU WANT some “snips” to practice on??? Send you some WC n ICC n TK snips to try n root then send of to @Papalag ???


I have a big low to the ground bird water trough out in my yard by the gauntlet. I keep it filled all summer with fresh water. All the neighbor cats use it as the local watering hole. This one tabby I always catch pissing in the southern east pot. The birds and squirrels wait until I feed my plants and they double dip pine nuts in my 30’s the second I feed them.

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Mine love to dig, can make a manhole in like 3 minutes. NO DIGGING rule strickly enforced in my yard however, there are no holes, and wont be.

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My dog isn’t that well trained… she’s a digger and likes to burry toys and snacks for later.

Yeah you send some snips also. I will order that dome and hormex 8 and RR. Do you use rapid rooters or root riot plugs?


Should see mine dig on sand, like a damn fuel injected dirt dragster …

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Dude…no dome, 8 nor RR’s…WTF…


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make sure to get the dome tray insert for cubes…makes it easier as RR’s, YES RR’s, will not stand up on their own well.

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I like the floraflex cubes better that RR cubes myself. They biodegrade faster IME.


Josh always bitches that the RR have formaldehyde in them. Not sure how true that is?


Never tried…ran out of RR’s, used these new ones i got, DO NOT LIKE THEM…hope they root well. Dont hold water like RR’s do, smaller, very hard feeling., wont buy these again, should have ordered RR’s.

I use rockwell cubes too, they work fine also, but like the RR’s better.

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So does the cig im puffn on now…

point ???

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lol! Bro… that’s not a comparison I’d make. Most of my friends who smoke are dead.