30 day roll, lets do this

Ready to up pot seed run on next watering

Cuts hardening well for 6 days , should be fine , only Tahoe looks iffy


Tahoe Og with a cure now


Looks like a great smoke to me :blush: send you a pm bro

The taste now that itā€™s cured is absolutely amazing

Well not only is it just beautiful tasting but it packs a serious punch that much of the joint just planted my ass for a bit

yes sitting here the Tahoe which I havenā€™t smoked in quite a bit just hammered my ass cut right through whatever I was smoking earlier canā€™t remember what it was but I donā€™t smoke swag so it had to be something good the Tahoe just annihilated it it really takes me to a good calm spot too bad I have to go outside and stir a bunch of dirt for the next two hours I would not suggest smoking Tahoe if thatā€™s what you have to do


Its Grundleishious i say , Pat me on the back

Where Tahoe and the other bud lives


With any luck I wonā€™t kill them all. If Jet uses voice to text they will all be dead.

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Come on Tahoe. I really want one of you. :pray:


Yeah Tahoe is overrated it sucks itā€™s just mid grade ditch weed like the clone shop you get stuff from


100% chance that tahoe cut you ran came from a large scale clone shop at some point.

Sounds like really shitty mids. :rofl:

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Tahoe mom shows all manner of issues I have tried everything I know to do I have foliar fed her I have bug treated her I have pH to the mix Iā€™m beginning to think itā€™s a Route issue no matter what I do she still looks like shit was looking at her new growth today and itā€™s not much better all the other plants that flipped into flower and recovered and are doing just fine all at the point that when these cuts for Cole finish up Iā€™m going to take fresh cuts in trash all my mothers

not Tahoe sheā€™s like dying a slow death it appears but Junkie was the same way and now sheā€™s happy again so hopefully sheā€™ll start throwing some better new growth I think I took two cuts off of her I hope I took more because when I glanced today everyone look great except for I saw this nasty brown why does yellow out of my corner of my eye and looked down and I know it was one of the TahoešŸ™ˆ

my back is killing me from stirring dirt for the last two days and Iā€™m ready to give it up for the day thanks to the Tahoe I think lol tonight is bareknuckle fights all night so I think maybe tomorrow Iā€™ll let the dirt sit in the sun all morning and Iā€™ll jack with the Tahoe mother maybe go as far as to flush the shit out of her little pot with fresh pH water maybe quarter nutrient strength and pour out and look at her and see what her roots look like clean her up re-potter yeah stupid voice to text like Harry Potter yeah Iā€™m going to Harry Potter her


Maybe some more and fresh soil?

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She probably has the plant HPV all your shits going to die now. Better rip everything and tarp the house and one and done within a 1/4 mile.


There is a novel idea. @Jetdro probably been using the same soil since 1981.

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I would say the soil mix Iā€™m using is at least 10 years old at the bare minimum

But you gotta understand itā€™s not soil itā€™s well Lord knows what the hell it is but itā€™s not soil


Jezuz all the dumb shit you spend coin on. Buy some new soil.


hello Erste to call coal CO LE like a persons name thank you itā€™s not soil itā€™s in a nerd mix itā€™s also in nerd INERT inert stupid ass phone anyway I promise you my crap is cleaner than anyoneā€™s here I go through it by hand every single bit of it after every Gro dry it in the sun clean it up and Iā€™ll use it till the day I croak itā€™s just a bunch of nothing and it stays that way what ainā€™t broke I donā€™t tend to fix


Dude your voice to text is bunk or your mouths full. :rofl:


Really excited to start a grow with these new little mini octopots or octopups whatever do you want to call them. I think theyā€™re going to do just fine. Iā€™m running mine with the nut pots with high dropping in the net pots oh my God clay pellets in the net pots and I did use the wick but I shortened it and made it end in the middle of the clay pellets. going to first use the 2 gallon soft pots that Cole found.

I think that Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m going to run my favorites in these little things maybe two or three of each of my favorites and have a multi flavored harvest which absolutely positively 100% without any reservation will not include skunk tangerine


This was my issue with the Tahoe cut. The one I had grew like shit. Weak little plant or at least that particular cutting I got. Was the same with the first Skunk Tangerine cut I got. Grew like shit so I tossed it. The new ST cut I got grew great with a lot of vigor and still does. Anyways, I had just flowered out the 91 Hollywood Pure Kush to a bunch of balls at 3 weeks so I just tossed her and the tahoe both. Got the bubba so figured thatā€™d take the spot the Tahoe would have :man_shrugging: