30 day roll, lets do this

most of what i like is chill narcotic weed lol. but i like my hybrids also that can hit head then body like u said giggle weed that makes u smile for no reason

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You would like WC/ICC then, Tahoe too.

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yep ill get that wedding cake eventually and there are a few in canada with tahoe. so i can eventually swap something with them and get it. then run them for the next few years lol

Beautiful nug mate. Chem D sounds up my alley, think I’d like it. Thanks for the report


Here is all they’re knives. These guys are impressive quality.

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Lost Cap S1

Frosted Cobra

Lost Cake


Morning @ReikoX

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Morning Jet. You adjusting to the time change alright? I just switched all my timers and such to keep the plants on my schedule. :grin:


I haven’t done that yet I’m not sure if I’m going to I might I hate the time change is dark here now by 5:30


Yeah not sure why we bother anymore. It’s not like we are farmers and need the extra early light.


Going to revisit Kim D again this morning see if it still hits me like it did yesterday


Hits EXACTLY the same , tastes better losing the green . Will be excellent bud in a weeks time


Finally all my dirt is clean and dry , didnt realize just how much i had .

Nothing 420 to do today , im ahead of the game now , all new mini octos and small pots are made up .
Giesel n ChemD still drying , AF falling all over my tent just waiting few more days on Cannatrol then ill chop her .

Tomorrow will be 10 days on the cuts , have not pulled any yet , will check tomorrow and hope to see nubs . Once i see who roots i can chop more Moms down .

Couldnt get more of the mini pots i bought , so i got some funky different ones made by same people , the round 5 site units . Outside sites plugged , gonna run a single one gallon bag in the middle spot. They are tiny , hold 1/2 gallon which will be ok for Mom’s. If they work out i will be able to keep all i want as Mom’s under the single Migro 250 and no more too watering .
Im so done with top watering , and if these work well , wont have to anymore in Mom tent


Time to relax brother

I just set up my area it may be small but it’s still work lol

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Yeah , work is done , time to sit back n watch it all .

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I sure am hoping these little new OCTO pup things work well I don’t see why they won’t and they’re going to save me a ton of room make my life easier


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I saw what ya did , should reward well

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Bro I pulled 1/2 lb from one of them with out even trying lol

They work great

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Figured they will , 8 zips im happy camper from a plant

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