30 day roll, lets do this

There’s a cream for that! Everything is looking on point as always my man. I’ll throw ya some pics if your lost cake next time I’m down there. She’s a bute Clark



Has a big green taste something else is going on with it I can’t tell it’s not good at the moment


your suppose to clean the peanut butter off after your done with the pack. lmfao ok im a sick bastard for that


Early sample of ChemD

Pine , pepper , fuel , earth , funk are the smells


Gonna go outside sit by pool burn her , see her taste n power . Taste wont be done yet but dried nuff for a power level check


Pepper , pine , rest is hidden by the “green” taste .Power is there :sunglasses:

indica affects for me calming , Lower blood pressure kind of like Tahoe but different not as narcotic feeling as Tahoe but it’s very strong and the high is still coming on

Oh yeah , coming on now , smiling , fucking with my eyes and sight , lol . ramping big time , good thing i put it out . Makes smoking the Gisele I sampled yesterday seem like ditch weed. very different high I certainly feel it in my body but it is messing with my head too might be because it’s the first smoke of the day and I’ve been up since early but it has twisted me up pretty good. I would say it easily has the power of wedding cake or ice cream cake or Tahoe. For me much more of a body higher than TK and so far from the early sample much much much to my liking

yeah I’m lit up like a Roman candle my whole face is flushed and feels fat I have a big smile on my face it’s a little bit dirty not real clean but not bad.
just looked down and realized I only smoked about a third of that joint

I feel like everywhere I would go everyone would know I’m stoned as hell lol I think I’m going to rename it


Gonna label to bag up at HSHL O L

i’ll tell you what it’s not real motivating weed lol yeah it’s a beautiful crisp 65° out here sun is shining I’ve got like 10 more of these stupid little OCTO pop tops to drill holes in and I absolutely positively 100% do not want to go do it lol I just want to sit here

Early test sample says grow ChemD you’ll like it


Yesterday I got my first Off Grid knife Caiman XL red dawn. Very impressed with this knifes quality. Finally a flipper that fits in my big gorilla paw. 4 inch Bowie blade wide flipper grip. Calling this one the “room cleaner” flip this in any room it will empty it.


You savage


You have no idea.


amazing report i knew that would be something you liked. very strong weed and sounds like a keeper. figured it would tic a box and be something different in your keeper moms.

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was this from the shady site that i think shiska also ordered from ? if so thats a sexy every day carry

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How much ? @ColeLennon

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Not sure what time i smoked her, but have not had anything since, still lit up, she gets to stay :star_struck:


sweet bro now when u gonna cross her to apple fritter :stuck_out_tongue:

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Havent tried AF yet, who knows if she is good ??? Spect she will be, but never know. Cereal Milk was cover girl looking, couldnt get high on it. AF appears different however. Hope she is good, cause im gonna have a butt load of her.


true true… my fingers are crossed tho. would be dissapointing to me if you dont like her …

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@ColeLennon Where did zombie killer knife come from?

You get you “pots” yet? Want to see them. Mine are all setup n waiting on plants :smiley:

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Have you smoked her before???

Have you had ChemD??

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chemd yes apple fritter no but its been one i wanted to try for like 3 years, you know one of those strains you see and youe mind tells you you need it but then your to scared to be let down by it lol. we all had that happen alot i bet. as for chemd very strong smoke to me. can def take me over the edge to panic back in day but im a little more able to control my anxiety than i was 10 years ago. theres a reason chem d was used to make so many strains it always brings the power

i have 10 regs of fritterdawg but thats applefritter x stardawg

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ChemD is stout for sure, nothing induces paranoia in me, so cant comment there. ChemD appears to be best enjoyed when you can chill, rather than doing shit, least for me. Tubing on the river, radio crankn, ChemD time!!!