30 day roll, lets do this

What do you know , GMO


Can be seen now :sunglasses:


God dam im tryna follow along in ny phone but not same as zooming on your oics on laptop! Hope its fixed soon and holy apples fritter gonna be a haul

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Looking fantastic @Jetdro. That GMO will be fire for sure!

Dude! Guess what just fell into my bong?!?!


Giesel isnt horrid anymore , she obviously needs time to bring her proper smell n taste out . Tastes 100 percent different than last taste , which is a good thing , lol . Not sure where it is going just yet but she is ok now .
Her power is good , not ChemD territory for sure , but still very very nice , smoking her now . Actually a pleasant smooth high , more in my head to start. Her after taste is clean already .
Certainly a bit creeper .

speaking of creeper the ChemD hits me like that. It ramps up for a good 1520 minutes after you quit smoking. I thought it was maybe because it was the first time I smoked it but I have now smoked her half a dozen times, and itā€™s been exactly the same 1/2 of a big fat joint and Iā€™m good for six hours.

hi is kinda dirty and I donā€™t know how to describe it not what I would call upbeat not couch lock by any means but it just kind of makes me want to sit around and stare I could certainly get up and do something it just makes me not want to. if I smoke this every day my lawn would be knee-high my pool would be green the dogs would be starving and I probably have a beard. So even though sheā€™s ultra potent in the high last friggin forever she is absolutely not among my favorites lol


They take some getting used to but itā€™s mostly mental it seems like you get a much more potent hit without it but you really donā€™t itā€™s just a thicker heavier nasty or hit without it when Iā€™m tasting weed for the first time I wonā€™t use it but when Iā€™m smoking stuff I know I always use it


Didnā€™t seem to do anything at all :joy: I just choked up a lungā€¦it seems to absorb the organic volatiles I may want??? It tasted like it absorbed my terps and left me with just a plain smoke taste :thinking: I only had one hit, Iā€™ll try it again soon




Hope Colinā€™s dad didnt die :cry:


Oh no!!! I really hope everything is okay


I really donā€™t like these routers I had to buy cause I couldnā€™t get the ones I normally use but it appears they work

Mac 1 Capā€™s Cut rooted first


One of the ICC re veg plants ill keep as a memento , lol .


Nice rooters brother


actually Papa these are these cheap routers that I bought because I couldnā€™t get rapid routers that was the first one I checked it and I was shocked out of 19 thatā€™s the only one that has rootsā€‹:see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Giesel has a nice high , real smooth and comfortable . Nothing special to me however , i shall not run her again.Ill run a big run of ChemD to fill some bags , then let her go . Wont smoke her much , a lb of her would last me long long time , lol


That sounds really nice

Now were talking

Cannatrol set RIGHT for FritteršŸ’„


Hell yes, @Jetdro a cut of that Lost Cap would be awesome!!! Got plenty of time, since I donā€™t usually start sprouting until the beginning of March.
Hopefully 2024 will be better outdoors than 2023, Iā€™m hoping, Iā€™ve added another tool for the IPM arsenal, plus switching to new dirt in the swamp, 5 years and I think Iā€™ve gotten my money out of the cheap Menards ProMix, so that will definitely help.

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Make some of JPSā€™s One N Doneā€¦works a treat!!!

I have Mommaā€¦ONLY plant of 40 seeds that survived!!! I do have ONE MORE from seed that popped this run, and 2 S1ā€™s of her up and out of the soil too.

You may run herā€¦she will blow the F up outside i bet!!!


The Fritter is down, bucked, in the Cannatrolā€¦set DP to 53 this run. One of the NICEST single plants i have ever trimmed. Easy trim, stunning buds, filled 6 Cannatrol trays full! She will go 12-16 Zā€™s


Now to hope she smokes as good as or better than she looks :yum:
Good morning ^^

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Morning Holyā€¦


Havenā€™t tried quick drying any early samples yet? lol

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