30 day roll, lets do this

It could of been Lovina (her name today ) but certainly not the GDP :see_no_evil: Neither of my 2 phenos i like



I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to do a duration test on the ice cream cake to be honest because once I start smoking it it’s really hard to put down it taste so damn good about the time I put the joint out and find a place to lay it down I’m ready to pick it back up again and take another smell of it

But then again I can smoke joint after joint of the worlds strongest pot and still function but I will say this is much much to my liking


That’s because you are very sick. :sunglasses: So sick.


Wonderdawg- williams wonder x chemdawg


this is what i thought you would say. never had a gdp impress me. very mild narcotic high. you can take it extra long and it helps get it a little more sleepy but overall decent looking but not much substance.

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i really need to get me a solid strain to get a nice bud run in the next month or so after these testers come down (most of that bud will be going to smoke testers and friends family. going to need at least 6 plants for personal as i am basically out of smoke and gummies then pop 9 seeds to hunt falling behind on my time schedule tho! thinking hard about getting a tahoe og clone ordered but not sure id have enough time to mom it out and get 6 cuts going tho. triangle kush was thought about also but not sure if that strain will mesh with my worrisome ways lol

how fast of a vegger is the tahoe do you think it would give 6 big cuts in the next 5 weeks if i bought a clone off someone?

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no i doubt it would

Apple Fritter and Giesel 100 percent out of my control . Running over GMO and ChemD .
Now all four have a cubbie hole to stay in . Cant get to them anymore , but i cleaned them up before the corral , and will just let them do their own thing . Dont care on yield , first runs on all 4 , so if , i mean when it becomes a mess, er , more of a mess , i wont care . The Octos and netting got it from now on , Cool 5 or 6 weeks of cruise control for me :sunglasses:


oh man there just blowing up haha. your gonna have some amazing smoke when done crazy how the fritter is out growing gmo that was very unexpected for me. how is the stem rub ? love the lolipoping btw


never do stem rubs💥


me neither reminds me of masturbating… jk its not thatttt smaall


Yeah , fritter looks like a killer plant Giesel is not to my liking , cannot hold herself and goes nuts on secondary growth when flipped .
ChemD not impressive , Gmo doing fine but over run from up front by Giesle . Now each have some space and can just duke it out .

Happy to finally get to try Frankenstien after holding her a year :see_no_evil:. She comes down with Mac1 on Sunday :sunglasses:


indeed. hopefully the gmo holds up alot of ppl really talk her up… dont think i ever tried a pure gmo.

wanna hear the report on frankie also another one that gets good ratings on here. i know you wont hold back


i do not find the high of ICC to be short lived , and its power appears WC levels .


No ill be honest . In last 3 days she has gained color , and is fairly fat for what she endured .She will give up like 2 ounces of nice top buds .

Hit her with the last of the one n done yesterday , she un claw’d and is feeling much better , lol


I like it. :sunglasses: :metal:


Dope as f.


Mac 1 82 days

WC rosin


That long wow she looks done how’s the trichomes look ?

I’ve seen her at 11 weeks was still very good


Really nice looking plant. It has good bud to leaf ratio and good coloring.

She is done done ! Was waiting on Cannatrol unit to be free…

Ice Cream Cake almost dried