3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

That’s wonderful to hear! I like that sweet chem from cdlc, nice to hear of the added old skool pine, must be really pleasant on the nose like getting smokin some dank in the forest!


Awesome! thick little buggers. I’m excited can’t wait!


Yeah both of em pretty much have the same smells and looking about the same going to make some tasty smoke can’t wait to see how the black cream does

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Me too the the safe is running low definitely getting all those little jars of just a couple buds in em you always want to hang onto smoked up got enough brick weed to pull us to the finish tho still better than paying for it


everyone here looking pretty happy for the hps all are starting to flower


New plan for the little starts lost a LPCf2 something nipped it off so now they are inside

Got these 7 going and going to pop 2 of each of these all are reg photos so I’m sure there will be a few males to get rid of


Got the two new strains in dirt and the rest of em seem to like there new spot


Looks like the stretch has begun! Killing it man.


Thanks they all are going to be over 3ft getting up there pretty good for an autoflower


It’s usually ants, a ring of fire around the seedling with cayenne pepper will protect that from happening again


Ya know there was a nest of ants in the leg of the table a sat them on seen em going everywhere when I moved it thanks for the info never even give it a thought


I’ve lost a lot of seedlings to em, even got a hill of black cutter ants trying to take out my blue Skittles ladie in a 30 gallon right now, dumped soap down their hill and blasted with water to make it foamy, dusted the entire plant with cinnamon and had to trim off pointless branches from the damage but they hit it fast and hard till I caught on, watered in the morning and by time I checked on things in afternoon they wiped out the top and several branches


Wow hate to hear that hope.it recovers and ya got the little fuckers killed off I use neem oil for about all kind of pest and different molds so far so good with it I don’t put it on em till they get bigger I learned from the mistake that’s what matters the ants are getting a lot worse than they use to be around here


A lil borax mixed with powdered sugar and a few drops of water to make a paste smeared on a little piece of cardboard was always my go to for ants

Simply eliminates all of them fairly quick.

Looks awesome in there!


First time I ever have a problem with ants thanks for the advice I peaked at your haze cross looks so good I hope mine gets big chunky buds like yours


The little rolly pollys will eat sprouts also if no rotting matter around. Had an issue last year until I started feeding them properly. They are very beneficial but can be a pain if hungry. They break matter down really good. Their poop has to be gold like worms.


When you say rolly pollys are you talking about potato bugs I have had a few around didn’t think they would nip a seedling down tho thanks for the info pretty sure it was the ants when I moved em on that little table a nest fell out of one of the legs on it there was a bunch of em never even give it a thought till @AzSeaindooin420 said something about it


Ya potato bugs. Never would have thought haha

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I was checking that LPC growoff out I can’t wait for these to get older the nugs on em look really frosty

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The poop has to be gold wonder if I could farm em like you are doing with meal 🪱

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