3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

haze x cdlc from @AzSeaindooin420 getting some nice frosty buds on it


Autoflowers not so much​:rofl::rofl:

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Oh, I’ll supercrop an auto…in flower! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What kind of equipment ya run are you a hoe man :rofl::laughing:

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You know it!


I have have a few hours seat time one of the best jobs I ever had

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A front end loader is really my thing. I’ll run a trackho when I have to. But why dig three feet at a time, when I can dig nine? :wink:

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How is the scarlet grapes doing @blowdout2269

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Harvested about 300 F2’s so far. Idk if I’ll have many, if any, S1’s. Too many pollen sacks to make seeds I guess, lol
Here’s the most recently dried.
I’m getting ready to give them all away to our community also! :slightly_smiling_face:


I have found that the f6 cookies that was made from the f5 cookies pollen is better seeds than the the f5 that back crossed itself so it maybe a good thing there isn’t many bx1


I found bud rot the haze x cdlc cross today not very much pinched the two little spots out this is the 3rd year in a row first one lost all of it second one saved half the crop by cutting early anyone got a.better way to deal with it also its in the greenhouse with all the other plants.that are just starting to bud I will put pics up tomorrow thanks for any suggestions

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Do you have a fan running in there?

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Look for what’s causing it, u either got ants attacking the buds or to much humidity.

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I got a fan running but still way to humid the humidity has bin really high here for the last week don’t think there is much I can do about it this is why I like indoors more I got way more control over what’s going on


I turned the fan in the back around last night so it was blowing inside it seem to help some but still lots of moisture inside


Left the fan running right on it last night no moisture on the leaves just don’t want to loose it and that shit spreads like wild fire the plant is finishing up I could use nother week or two it seems.to be happening where a few of the hairs are dieing off and that’s where the little fuzzy action starts

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If your only say a week away I’d might consider harvesting if your having some mold issues.

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I gave a hair cut didn’t find any more and the humidity is suppos to go down for the next 3 or 4 days so I. Going.to keep real close :eye: :face_with_monocle: on it I told myself if I find one more spot I. Going to chop it


couple pics of the spots I found last night


Were you able to get an exhaust fan setup in there? A few other OG’s had suggested this to help moderate the humidity