3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

Do it.
Then make me one! :crazy_face:

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If ya decide to do it if I can help hit me up

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@Kgrim your the winner DM that addy


Congrats @Kgrim thanks @3rdgengrower :+1:


these should.make some nice little.bushes


Wtg @Kgrim!
Thanks 3rdgen :slightly_smiling_face:


Sweet!!! Thanks @3rdgengrower
Been dealing with a power outage for the last 5 hours because some idiot cut down a tree and sliced the power line. Sign in to this, how awesome!!!

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What a dumbass. :man_facepalming:


Yup, took 2 hours for the DTE power guy who lives 1/4 mile away to arrive and assess the problem, then had to wait for the rest of the repair crew to arrive after assessment. They had it fixed in 35 minutes once they all arrived.

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That’s union work for ya! :rofl:


Hay now I worked labors union local 1149 for few years and my dad retired from there​:rofl::rofl:just giving ya hard time I figured you was union operator

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I think might get one to finish all the way without bud rot these strawberry cheesecake cookies is taken the humidity like a.champ can’t wait to see what some of you other guys come up with


Those are looking really great. I didn’t realize I actually already have these. Might be running these on my next autos.

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I am not union. Idk if I ever would be. It’s to political for my liking. I’m just talking shit, lol. :crazy_face:

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I worked both non-union and union. Personally, I liked them both when I worked, which I generally did not care much for. Being retired does not suck.


sorry I haven’t bin on last couple days had to put my pup down on Tuesday he was with us for 13 years bin pretty rough couple days :cry: he was my best friend growing really limits me to who can come around hard to trust anyone around here all a bunch of drug addicted thieves or will turn ya in to save there own ass just saying sorry for the rant here is some outdoor pics thought yuns might like to see everything is getting so much bigger


Oh no so sorry.
So hard losing a pet they are like family.
Sounds like he looked out for you too.

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Got the pots full bout to start this next round going to do a nother seed auto seed run and going to have a few different genetics got a few reg autos going to run in smaller pots and 15 fem auto seeds I can’t wait to get them started


He sure did kinda lost without him he was the only pet just so quite around here now


Looks great. :+1:

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