3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

@3rdgengrower seeds arrived today.
Thank you!!!


That’s my preferred method. Straight in the soil!!


I def 3rd the straight in soil method, nature knows how to germinate just fine lol

Things look like they are off to a great start! Awesome to see ur taking another stab at amnesia and top gun! If u want to try some of the other cdlc crosses too I can prob make ya up another care package :wink:


That a clone of dragons blood hash plant


Thanks got a double grape in there too would love to try more of cdlc crosses but we can wait for a bit got lots going on right now


Right on! I’d love to see ya run the alien v triangle x cdlc. That’s been my fav of the recent ones I grew, 3/4 of em had pink pistils at the beginning of flower too, not sure if I sent u any of those but def worth snagging it u haven’t got em


No didn’t get any those sounds superb tho more than willing to try anything ya send my way :wink: we really enjoyed the haze and the top gun


I’ll def put a pack aside for ya, slammed in Vegas till after the 15th so I’ll put something together in the next couple weeks for ya!

Keep up the great work bud!

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Thanks if there is anything I can do for you just let me know

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I’m pretty set for the season, next years garden theme Is short fat and chunky indicas if anything crosses ur path


the outdoor plants are all looking decent


It’s a weed wonderland in my outdoor grow space right now, loving the smell of my backyard hahaha


Looking good!!! Looks like a couple weeks of “trim jail” in your future!!! LOL

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I think they may be moving me from short term trim jail to long term trim prison to carry out my sentence haha

Really though prob a full week of just knocking down, washing and hanging the buds

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Most people dislike them, but this is exactly why I spent the money a few years ago and bought a Centurion trimmer. After 2 plants took 3 of us over 70 hours to get trimmed, I vowed never again. We did twice as much last year, and it only took us 20 hours to get it processed.
It’s negligible at best on “lost” trichomes, and we can blow threw trimming pretty fast. It usually takes an hour and a half to fill the hopper, for 20 minutes of run time, then into the Cannatrol.
It would have taken us probably well over 130 hours last year if I didn’t have the trimmer.


Ya I got a lil too snobby over the years about presentation. I’m extremely meticulous about not having ANY leaf left on my buds and really feel like that’s only truely accomplished with hand manicuring that I’ve yet to see a machine accomplish. Def time savers though but when I’m just growing for myself I just figure its part of the labor of love and like pulling a sack out around the homies that’s all bud and zero leaf for the wow affect


We had some trees last year, my old ass wouldn’t have been able to sit and trim for that long, and the Centurion gets it cut pretty damn close. I was a “snob” for a lot of years, until I started doing outdoor runs again. Unfortunately My lower back and hands just can’t handle all the hand trimming anymore. Too many years of doing storefronts and lifting big glass by hand has taken its toll on me.


Looks like a budding plant party in there. Props. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Nice. One hell of grow. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Thanks!!! You only see 2 1/2 of 12 plants, and they were all that big. It was a good year in the swamp last year.