3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

Here’s mine, apparently I like to keep them hungry but she’s no slouch

Some pink on the stink, crappy camera, but you can kinda see


Damn, she’s looking good!


All is looking amazing fellas @AzSeaindooin420 the greenhouse is killing it if that’s all personal wow thought we smoked a bunch at an Oz a week @Kgrim can’t wait till I can grow some trees.that are that big @breadwinner does look a little hungry but is still a beautiful love to see the pics of how everyone else is doing feel free to share anything any time


I made some wsc and added some epsom for a cal mag foliar, and I gotta say, I didn’t know what I was missing lol.

Now I can crank the light without her folding up on me, she’s gonna finish strong :muscle:

I’m jealous of you guyses outside spaces!

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Glad ya got ot figured out I haft to gorilla grow outside makes me nervous :sweat: every year I say I’m not going to do it but I always do I’m ready to move to full rec state but my love don’t want to move away from family


Just keep doing it, and :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:, looks like your doing just fine, I want to build a press too haha

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If ya need any help with a press just let me know once I made my first one I found out there’s no better way to make your own concentrates I started by blowing off BHO buy soon found out that if ya like the tasty stuff a press is the way to go

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I’m not stranger to an open blast, and I’m not too scared doing it outside with no basketball shorts and shit, but without a closed loop or dry ice, the press seems like the way to go :muscle::mechanical_arm:

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this is from yesterday 9/12 all of em coming right along


I’m all for electric trimmers definitely a must have item if your growing lots of plants .

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@ShiskaberrySavior I rented a Twister T6, tried bowl trimmers, and ultimately decided on a Centurion. Centurion offers a coated tumbler, and a stainless tumbler. T6 only offers a stainless tumbler. The stainless tumbler gums up a lot quicker, I only got 1/3 of a run before having to stop and clean. Coated, I can run a couple days before cleaning, and cleans up in minutes, compared to about 1/2 hour. Warranty on the Centurion is better, 10 years as opposed to 3. Both have nitride coated blades. The Centurion is a complete turn key system, Twister, you have to buy the trim collection as an add on.
Where I noticed the difference, was in the size of the tumbler, T6 is 4” and the Centurion Tabletop is 5.5”. It does make a difference, as the extra 1.5” allows buds to spin in more air space. Throughput is better also, trimmed almost twice the amount in the same time.
Like I said, they aren’t for everyone. For outdoor growers like me, who grow some big plants, I’ll blast thru in an hour of run time, what would take days to hand trim.
I LOVE mine, and don’t ever want to have to go back to hand trimming my outdoor runs.


I’ve got a centurion also had a twister before and sold it . Your right them being a better machine.

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NICE!!! Glad to meet someone finally that has one and likes it as much as I do!!!
I’ve had a chance to pick up a few more Centurions for Pennie’s on the dollar in auctions except they were half way across the country, and in Canada. Canada doesn’t like me and doesn’t want me crossing the border due to a DUI back in ‘03. The DUI was for drugs, not alcohol, so I don’t know what their deal is, LOL


Mine was a auction buy had to drive 500 miles to pick it up

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You didn’t happen to buy it in Kansas City did you??

Nope Winnipeg Manitoba


Lol, that’d be funny if he sniped your buy. :joy:

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LOL, I wouldn’t have bid on the Kansas City trimmer, way too far away, and didn’t have a road crew close.
That would have been cool if he did get it from that auction though. $5,500 new went for under $900. I’ve also seen a few Gladiator models come up, twin tumblers, $10k and went for $1,250.
I always keep my eye on auctions. I’ve outfitted our shop with some real keen buys on expensive machinery, that we picked up reasonable.


We bought a bunch of stuff from that sale pennies on the dollar.

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Nice I still hand trim mine if all come through this year might take me a little while but I also not growing 16ft monster lol