3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

Oh it doesn’t have to be poisonous. Hell it could be behind glass. She’ll likely run and cry. We’ve had two big gardner snakes around the gardens this year. She totally freaks out. I pick em up and hold them. They can sense agression. If I’m calm, they’ll let me handle them. I have to relocate them anyway(to get my wife back outside lol), so I’d rather not just chuck em in the field.


Dang your making it hard to restrain haha. I have too many things to get to or I’d be all over that :joy::joy:

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Lucky #1! Thanks for the chance @3rdgengrower

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@carty check out :point_up_2: also @LoveDaAutos @nefrella
Thanks for the chance


OhNo @420noob I thank you for the tag but I’m trying to stay out of nearly every giveaway so those without or in need of seeds has a better chance at winning.


Couple from today seem to have some good growth to all of em can’t wait to see what they look like in a nother 30 days sorry just seen where I already posted these pic :sweat_smile: forgot I did it :rofl::rofl:


OK new project I’m working on and could use some help with it I would like to cover the frame with that bubble wrap but for the life if me can’t think :thinking: of a way to fasten it :thinking: anyone got any ideas I’m going to hang 4ft florescent 6500k and use it for seedling for when I move back inside this winter


Magnets, small, 1 inside, 1 outside, so it makes contact through the wrap.
Obviously several places


I’m the same way with posting the same pic. I dunno just like posting pics haha

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Also you won some great stuff

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The frame is metal so magnet would stick to it that would work good for the 3 doors I want in the front thank for your input


How about heavy duty velcro?
I used some a long time ago on a drying box and the stuff was very hard to un-velcro.


I second the Velcro


Yeah can’t believe that I don’t hardly win anything and yesterday I was like what the heck ya can’t win if ya don’t sign up :laughing:


I like that idea as well bet I could get big roll of it on Amazon

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I can send you shoreline OG x LPC Og if you’d rather. Same father and a gassy shoreline og mother. Both strains crossed were from @Maddawg and the docs og seems to really come out

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Don’t matter to me don’t have either one and both sound good which everone ya got the most of or would rather get rid of :grin: more than happy with any at all really appreciate all the hard work ya Pit in people that don’t grow think that ya just put a seed in dirt and come back couple months later and there it is I wish it was that simple sorry for the ramble thanks again


Didn’t I send you the LPC OG F2? Ya you germ tested them for me

No sure didn’t I was going to but someone else beat me to the punch


Ahhh. Ya your right sorry, Well then I’ll send you both :nerd_face::grinning: pm me your info and I’ll get some beans out to ya.