3x3 tray for 3x3 tent

Good morning OG!

I’m looking for a flood tray that will fit a 3x3 tent (spider farmer, 36” between poles) for a drain to waste system.

The most obvious option I can find is the active air low rise trays. They could be shaved down to fit, but would fill the tent edge to edge. Something a little smaller would be preferred.

Read somewhere about someone using a washer/dryer drain pan… these look like a good choice.

Really interested in what other people have come across :+1:

Edited this and broke the links I think :thinking:


Have you priced a shower floor?


The thought had entered my mind. All the ones I’ve seen locally since I’ve been browsing for this have had holes drilled in the center.

Price isn’t really an issue here as long as it’s reasonable.

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Try pet supply places that sell trays for in pet crates. you can drill the lip and put a petcock in to drain and attach a rubber hose.


Cheap and deep:


Really nice but maybe shallow? Says galvanized but there’s a 304 Stainless option for the same price:

This one maybe even better:


Looks like water heater drain pans are the thing. They’re all 30-36” wide and 2-6” deep with drain holes already:

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Was at a pet store yesterday and did t even think to look at what they had.

These are slick, the dimensions are great for a tent. The steel isn’t ideal, I bet I can find one in plastic :pray:

Thanks guys.



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Ya that’s back where the search started… it might just be the best compromise though.

Thanks for the ideas :+1:

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Maybe you’ve been down this path before, but I’ve grown top drip dtw in tents with trays for a bit.

Rather than going through what you are, I simply downsize the tray/stand by one size. It’s so much easier to deal with, and if you go one size smaller you end up with only 6” of space around the edge. Push your plants to the edge of your tray and they quickly fill in that empty space with canopy growth and you aren’t losing out on anything.


Hey bud, went and checked out your setup. Exactly what I’m going for. :+1: super clean.

I don’t plan on putting a 3x3 try in mine, it’s just too big (would touch all the walls).

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Just look on HVAC web site as I know they do make them. Just don’t remember the exact site. I will look.

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Thanks guys 🫡
I found this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B085PH84J9/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

And will steal @Tripl3fastaction idea for the floro lighting inserts to level out the inside tray. :+1:


Just a comment that the pic in my thread shows the grate covering most of the tray…… it’s really best if you break them down to the approximate size of your containers. That way you get the benefit of the bit of extra drainage, but it’s also the only way to be able to keep your tray clean of the little pieces of crap that ultimately fall down there. Good luck!