Looking to find a cut tray mesh tray insert with lift out handles similar to the Groden or whomever but smaller like a 10"x8" or so. Not all of us do 10x20 trays of cuts for the smaller home growers. One that holds about 6-10 cubes not a whole sheet. May buy the Groden and cut in half if need be or cruise wally world or target. Got any ideas ??
I use the standard 10x20 tray but maybe this will work?
I found these this year and love em!
Thanks for the replies. This is the dome I have had for a few years and it’s about 13” x 9” in the tray plus I have the extra height extension and for the amount of cuts I clone at a time it’s plenty.
So today I have been watching YouTube and searching for a solution and on YouTube I saw a cheap and effective solution. The light diffuser panels from Home Depot that have about a 1/2” open grid for a few bucks for a 2’x4’ piece. One of those why didn’t that occur to me moments and since I’m trying rock wool cubes for the first time I ordered some of the 2” wrapped ones and just plan on sitting them like that.
Can’t find that clip at the moment but you get the idea I hope.