400W-600W / 21x Bubblegum / Soil / 100 x 100cm

Hi everyone!

I am here to share something from my indoor garden. Last few months i am fighting with a lot of trouble from pests like thrips and chiggers to dying motherplants because of defective lamp and so on. So now i am growing a new round without my own clones.

This time i am going to grow 21 pieces of Bubblegum in 6,5l containers filled with BioBizz Lightmix. Plants was under the 400W GIB Extreme Output for the first 15 days of bloom and yesterday i moved them under the 6OOW Extreme Output.

I have experiences with fertilizers from Plagron, BioBizz, Grotek and Atami so now i decided to try Advanced Nutrients. I really love their labels but will the results be as good as their labels ? Lets Try.

First 15 days of bloom plants got in 1l of water:

  • 4ml Connoisseur A
  • 4ml Connoisseur B
  • 2ml Sensizym
  • 2ml Rhino Skin
  • 2ml Bud Factor X
  • 2ml Bud Ignitor
  • 2ml Tarantula
  • 2ml CarboLoad


So far it looks good!

I also hate pests… but last time friend of mine was pretty upset with indica cannabis that just didn’t want to switch to flower (indoors)… “Well maybe it is strain or something” he said. And few times he did check if there was not any light leaking into night mode and if there was true darkness inside… Because it is pretty common for cheap timers not to cut off electricity (due to heat)… but this wasn’t the case. (I wouldn’t personally use any timer without clamper/relay as 600W can easily do 1800W in peak time)

After 3 weeks of waiting not single flower or preflower has shown… :scream: So he looked closely into timer - it was that basic electronic timer for 5 bucks set to trigger 600W - and found out that friend that returned it to him previously forgot to remove mode number 8 out of 10 modes… He just set first mode on/off cycle and haven’t gone through all cycles :)… So there was like extra mode of about two hours ON light :bulb: just in the middle of “night”…

He ended up with pretty badly overgrown plants :slight_smile: because of limited room height… that 3 weeks of extra vegetation have made him really upset :slight_smile: Luckily he had some space available outdoors so he put some of them out…

So never underestimate your timers and bulbs :slight_smile:

15 - 30 days of blooming.

Plants got in 1l of water:

4ml Connoisseur A
4ml Connoisseur B
2ml Sensizym
2ml Rhino Skin
2ml Bud Factor X
2ml Big Bud
2ml CarboLoad

35th day of bloom. We can see first problems - some parts of the leaves are turning orange and yellow. Maybe it’s bad PH, maybe it’s caused by salts, but so far it look quite good.


4ml Connoisseur A
4ml Connoisseur B
2ml Sensizym
2ml Rhino Skin
2ml Bud Factor X
2ml CarboLoad

I am going to add Overdrive soon.


I will be watching to see how your garden progresses using Advanced Nutrients. In the mean time, your garden looks nice.

Hi, i have i question. And it is if you use all components in all the times you give water to the littles? Or you make one time with products and an other only water or sensyzim?
Thanks and best regards!
Merry christmas fron Spain!

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Oh, I like Bubblegum!

Let’s see what happens.

Looks good @Roumen!