420 one month from today. Is

The guy I got it from was very sketchy. Not a weed guy. More like a fell off a truck guy. It was a wicked deal I’ve got tons of use out of and am very pleased with.


Mine was upgrading his tent to the mars hydro bar lights! He was telling me he ran these fixtures for 2 cycles in the 1 year he owned them and had initially been looking into bar-style but availability was limited when he bought the TSL’s.

Flash forward 1 year and he was like: If i can flip these 2 lights for $600 I can then afford the upgrade.

And her I was all like: “Hey, I’d like to help you out by you helping ME out.” :wink:

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Mine was brand spanking new and I still get a laugh from having blinded the Tim Hortons when I tested it out.