4/20 inspired toys

So with the holiday and the season kicking off I’m curious

What new grow tools/accessories did u get in light of the holiday or a holiday special? How good was the deal?

I snagged this new quantum board on an open box never used deal for $40

It’s a Juarez rd2000

Unit is dimmable 10%-100% and comes with a remote

Nice to see it’s a meanwell driver on it too

Original price shows 149.99

Trying to research it, it appears to be a
discontinued unit but works great plugging it in

So let’s see those 4/20 toys!


Very nice my friend looks like a solid little light.

I only bought a round of Grove bags since shipping was free yesterday and all my money is tied up in finishing my new grow space.


That’s def the next thing I want to stock up on, I’m still old school with jars clanking around haha

Hows the grow space coming along


Nice thread! Getting exposed to new grow gear/stuff sounds like a great idea!

As an exclusively outdoor grower, light isn’t an issue for me (other than clouds :joy:), however, I still keep flower in jars. I’m going in for Grove bags. They just sound (no pun intended) really great!


Well we all need gear sooner or later, maybe there was a special that someone missed in the community and it might still be going on to benefit another, plus it’s always neat seeing the cool fancy hidden gems someone might have found!


Good man was slow going since most lead times were horrendous with supply chain as bad as it was. Been waiting a hot minute for my insulated garage door. It’s finally going in on Tuesday. My minisplit will be a week or two after that and honestly the space will be ready minus the flooring and a good RO filter for batching nutes out there but I can run a line to the garage from inside for temporary.

Getting close! :crossed_fingers:t4:


Hell ya! Bet it feels good getting near the finish line!

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Nice score man!

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That should do the job, get that through a warehouse deal or something ?

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Also a great score there @Rhai88 :+1:

I did a “treat yourself” but it wasn’t on sale just a “fuck it let’s finally do this” moment.

Gonna get a new hose tomorrow and some ice at some point.



Hell yes! Obviously we’re gonna need pictures when you put it to use! lol Very nice my friend!


Ya, a friend got it in Havasu in one of those liquidation stores for 15 and talked her out of it for 50, she just has orchids and was like that thing is way to damn bright! Haha met up and ended up hooking her up with a weekend pack for her camping trip of some cones, some untrimmed buds, and some snips and knocked 10 bucks off it


Hell ya! Someone is gonna have some bomb hash soon!


Bought a 4x4 tent off a guy on kijiji and for $20 he threw in all this stuff plus a thick plexi high top dome for the starter/cloning tray.


Hell ya! That’s a nice a nice snag of a dwc turn key setup with nutes and all! Looking forward to seeing what u do with it all


I got my hands on some more lights to test out and the timing was appropriate, does that count? Scored 3 more Aerolights from Vivosun. A 100W, a 150W, and the badass 200W with the wings. The 100W arrived yesterday. I’m probably going to chain a 100W on either side of the 150W for my current grow.


Hell ya it counts @Slick1 , looking forward to seeing em hanging in ur setup, still sounds like some spoils picked up for the season!

What kind of deals did u snag on em?
Or did u land a tester gig with em?


I’m in a program where I get items in return for reviews and I have been super fortunate in some of the items I’ve been able to test.


I already modded the washer :rofl:

Now I need ice and a 3/4 on/off valve.


That’s awesome! I’d love to find a gig like that, not just for the free stuff but there’s a lot of grow products I’ve been curious about and rather find out about something first hand and hands on! Results don’t lie but some reviews can be swayed or excitement of first getting the product gets in the way of the honest review with the longevity of its use. Great example is tire reviews, everyone is always excited to get a new thick tread set but no one goes back a year later to comment if they lasted over the time…just my $.02