Noobs Beware

So I like to cruise kijiji once in awhile looking for good deals, and there are some to be found.

But sometimes I see garbage like this:

And it’s got “a few” diodes burnt out.

Whoever is selling this is either stupid, predatory, or insane. None of these are acceptable and it’s outright hucksterism.

This particular light is like 4 generations old and it’s priced where I would expect something current but used to be. I wouldn’t pay $10 for it.

Don’t just go “hey here’s a good deal on a mars.” Do your research, do your homework, don’t get screwed.

All the best.

(It really irritates me.)



All my lights are used; but they are all specific model numbers and were tested on site before money passed hands.

I have bought box-fan no-name lights for my tropicals for over wintering; but each of these were also tested before money passed hands and price checked to ensure it was 50% off or less.


I figure if it doesn’t work today it’s your problem and if it doesn’t work tomorrow it’s my problem.

I bought one of my current lights off kijiji and I met the guy at night in a Tim Hortons. I arrived early to get a table next to an electrical outlet.

The deal went off no problem. I plugged it in to test it out and blinded everyone in the whole damned place. One of my finer moments. :joy:


I hope it was your TSL2000; cause that’s EXTRA funny all things considered :laughing: :flashlight:

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Lit up the place like the bat signal.

I have other funny kijiji stories. Like when I bought a box full of mason jars and the lady asked me what I was doing with them. “Uhhh…jam…yeah jam…that’s it.”

“Well the big ones are for my weed right, and the small ones are for my shrooms…”


OMG. Same with the jars.

The guy was all like: “I was really into pickling, but then I had my kid so I don’t have the time anymore.”

Me: “I have no kids and a fuck-load of cannabis that needs curing. Thank’s for selling all this for $20.”



Nice. I scored the mason jar funnel and specific tongs by accident because they were crammed in the bottom of the box. Mrs Foreigner uses them all the time :joy:


didn’t even know such a thing existed! found some on thingiverse, definitely on my to-print list now…


Sounds like someone should get into canning! A canning/jarring kit doesn’t cost much; don’t use the wrong printing material if you’re actually gonna jar hot foods :laughing:


I’m thinking mainly for buds. the whole food safe discussion cracks me up, a little common sense goes a long way. ABS / vapor smooth for food contact. I dont like to print ABS, so this would be printed for buds only.

Most of my preservation is drying peppers and grinding em up :smiley: lol

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I worked with a grip that decided one day to use a styrofoam cup to make an improvised funnel to pour gas into a generation for an on location shoot…

Walking up I asked him “Why are you making napalm directly into the gas tank?”

He didn’t show up the next day and we felt safer for it.


He didn’t start pouring I assume? Otherwise how would you not notice the cup melting in your hand?

lol. some people scare me…

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He was calling me over to look at his improvisation; I made the comment as I walked up to him seeing the cup dissolving as he wasn’t paying attention.


Lmmfao that’s epic!

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If it was an isolated incident it would be fine but I see this shit all the time.

Oh nice, an ancient blurple at the same price as a new quantum board. Lovely.