4by4 grow ac infinity tent

Aura, meat ball,wedding cake second week in flower starting to pop off in here plan on major leaf strip tomorrow. Looking pretty good for my 4th grow newbie here learning as I go Earth dust base and boost nutes working pretty well so far post more when I have time happy growing everyone.


Nice looking in that Tent!

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Thanks G-pas I’m learning.

Those pots look precarious balanced on those smaller buckets! I’d knock one over, but I’m a big ox :joy:. Great looking plants!


They do look kinda sketchy. Nice room otherwise :+1::+1:

I didn’t even notice that. Now I’m worried one of those poor plants is gonna take a tumble.

Good job so far!! 🪴 :peace_symbol:
I know you’re new so wanted to give you a pointer.

Tents are notorious for having bad air circulation and things tend to get cramped and start causing problems.

If that was my tent I’d be pretty satisfied but I’d take steps to make sure nothing negative happens. I know you mentioned this but… First I’d start by just trimming the lower half of my plants up to increase air circulation and light penetration.

I’d also spray them down at night/lights off with triple action neem oil but no later then week one of flower (only my recommendation)


Yeah I was try to find something to get them closer to the the light around here going to take them back off and get something that isn’t going make some better stand it was just a test all ready drop them back down

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Do you have any fans in there besides an exhaust fan? If not, it’s definitely something you’ll want to add soon. Air circulation above/around and below the canopy helps prevent pockets of stagnant/humid air from causing issues.

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Yes sir got 4 fans in there for sure.


Way ahead of me then. Good on ya!

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Ready for them buds to pack on some wieght.


I will be posting some new picks tonight after major leaf strip and bud progression.

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Things starting to look and smell good in here 3 weeks Since I flip to flower.
Happy Growing!