New grow starting fresh. Here it is ladies and gentleman

Hello OG! As a few of you know from my previous threads some of my equipment had kicked the bucket and I am working on establishing a new set up. The plan for the new set up is to create a mom out of the og kush cut I took from my outdoor harvest this year! The clone has finally rooted and is now in soil :slight_smile: as this grows I will gather parts and assemble my deep water cloner. Mom will be in the veg box along with the clones as they come (2x2x4 plywood cab). I am picking up a 4x4x7 tent and that is going to be my flowering tent. I’ll try to keep everything updated as I go! Here’s the young mom under a crappy China blurple light

I had to harvest early this fall do to a close encounter with a helicopter… but the buds from this clones mom are looking excellent!


I haven’t posted in a long time and I’m sorry for that but here’s an update, this little cut did not make it. But my sour chellumbian cuts I took did! The ladies are doing well and are almost ready for flower. Gunna be pumping 400w of hps into this little space! Better ventilation will be installed Monday and the flip will begin!


Never had. Any bud shots of this plant?

I don’t have any pictures of it finished out but I will be sure to take some!

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Ventilation and my 400w hps was installed today! The cycle has been flipped so we shall see how it does. I was concerned about heat since I am running 400w hps in a 2x2x4 but the tempature seems to be holding around 75f. I vented out a window and just taped it up to avoid needing a filter. I don’t have any immediate neighbors so this shouldn’t be an issue.



No neighbors is a plus! Mine are a football field or two away.
Looking great man!
400 watts will blow that space up with green!
Good hunting.


The ladies are starting to get smellyyyy :slight_smile:


Ladies are coming along well at 3 weeks into flower! Here’s a little update. Sorry my phone camera sucks!


Nice buds you got forming, they look very happy and right on schedule :+1:

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