50 Bomb Seeds to be won at The Vault

That THC Fritters seems lovely, I’d love to try your strains here in good ole Jamaica. Never had them before. Even the 5 Runtz bomb sounds killer, wish I win something. Thanks for the opportunity. @The_Vault_Team

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Id love to try the runtz bomb as well! Hope i win! Im growing my last win out now, kiss from kannabia

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I grew THC bomb years ago. Kept a mother plant of it around for a few years. It was a great strain. Very vigorous grower. Easy to clone. Potent too! Everyone liked it.


Maybe they meant early next next week lol
Cause its Friday already.
And like the draw was supposed to be
At the first of the week.
It was supposed to be 22nd
Then early this week
Now its the end of the week
8 days late from the announcement
And 3 days late on the “update”
I dunno…
Kinda cringe.
There went my chance Bwahahaha


The site has like 6 other spots that has to be announced :person_shrugging:


Hi all,

Apologies for the delay in updating this!

Congrats @crownpoodle you were selected at random as the winner in this part of the promo.

Can you send me a private message / dm with your postal name and address please so we can ship you, your prize along with your email address for tracking.

Big thanks to all that entered and Bomb Seeds for the prizes, we will be back with some new promos soon!

It isn’t necessary but it would be really appreciated if you would update the blogs / forums / socials with details of your winning as it helps the community know our competitions are 100% legit.

Also if you wanted to post some pics of your grow to our new Reddit page that would be amazing as we are trying to grow our community there - https://www.reddit.com/r/GrowersSeedVault/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSeedsCo/


This is odd. They said I win something? But I can’t get a dm thru? Anyone? Not just sending my info to anyone.


Sloppy sloppy, obviously this sitebis a back
Water lol


Congrats on your win. The Vault is legit. I’ve won from them before and always got my prize. If you can’t get a DM thru here, I’d go to their site and see if you can get a DM to them there.


@the_vault_team you around?


The Vault always come through in the end, they are probably not monitoring this forum that much, but I’m sure they will come through for you. Also congrats @crownpoodle :tada:


You say that, but I sent them my email + address 3 months ago when I won this → Win 10 Strawberry Cheesecake Autos on This Post from Barney's Farm! and I’m yet to hear back or receive anything :person_shrugging:.

No big deal, as they were free seeds, but the lack of communication / ghosting has made me hesitant to make any purchase with them in the future :slightly_frowning_face: .


Just write them again. They always make it right. I know they had issues w. covid and a change w. the people running promos. Sounds like your prize got lost in the shuffle.

All four of my plants this season are from the Vault and all are looking really good…


Hi Buddy,

Apologies, I am replying to your message now and we can get your prize off to you, my bad (George)

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My bad, I have replied to crownpoodle so hopefully all good

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im back - sorry for the absence

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yep, had a few staffing issues recently and I have fallen behind

George here, catching up


Hi Barry,

George here, I am fairly sure i recall your username from a prize that went missing and we resent it?

Drop me an email to george@cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk though and give me a bit more info and ill get that looked into and sorted for you.


Thanks again George. I wasn’t worried or bothered at all. I was pretty busy too.


I was just tagging you to make you aware of questions. George is great and will get you sorted. I have won and ordered from @The_Vault_Team with nothing but good things to say! Reminds me I need to leave a review lol. Keep up the amazing work George.