50State - UFS#18, Barneys Farm - Cookies Kush & Pineapple Chunk

Going to cut clones of my Purple Diesel #1 and the gsc x strawberry cough…can’t risk that root rot shit to hit my 6 site dwc.

Mrs.Tappy has made an executive decision and has authorized germination of Barney’s Farm Cookies Kush and Pineapple Chunk. Details will follow. She has seedling status with dwc…but after this she will be full flower status. Maybe I can just work and smoke and she can grow our meds…would be sweet…no more 3 am visits to the closets…well, let’s not get carried away…lol


Shhh…our little secret…ufs#18 @50State


It is a 6 site dwc…lol


Thank fuck I took pics. Mixed up small seed (cookies kush) and big seed (pineapple chunk)…
We’re good now…

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Antibacterial soap washed and rinsed…diluted bleach washed, scrubbed, rinsed well…fresh airstone and hydroton, clean tub, net pots and air line.
1 x Barneys Farm - Cookies Kush
1 x Barneys Farm - Pineapple Chunk
4 x @50State - Uncle Fester Skunk #18
If anything starts turning sideways on me, I’ll be favoring the UFS18


Unfortunately, 1 of the ufs18 didnt make it…seed shell capped the cotyledon leaves and :skull_crossbones:

After looking at my last grow, day 11 was already full force veg mode. This round I’ll be flipping to 12/12 on New Years Day (day 12 of veg). This keeps dates square and makes it easier for my little brain.

Day 1
Dec 21
Ph 6.0
Ppm 300 (maxibloom + silica)
1 cookies kush
1 pineapple chunk
3 ufs18


Swapped the marshydro TS1000 for the dimmable dual vero 3500k 200w…have it about 12" above seedlings at roughly 50% power.


May have root rot going on here too…maybe not…growth doesnt seem as fast, but there are a few differences from last grow.
Pics later tonight.
Ph 6.0
Ppm 350

There are 4 differences between my last successful grow and this grow.

  1. Everything was brand new…tote, net pots, hydroton, everything! This round not.

  2. This round was seedlings right into hydroton, no rockwool. Last successful grow was in rockwool first, then into hydroton and net pots.

  3. Light timing. First successful grow was using 18/6. This round was doing 5.5/0.5 x 4 times daily.

  4. Light intensity. First grow wasnt given high wattage lighting so early.

Just switched it to 18/6 and turned light down to about 25%…gotta control what I can.

Edited a bunch…
And now realizing I’m only really at day 5 or 6 here…lol…cotelydon leaves were just open 5 days ago…
Here’s day 6 last grow…rockwool sat on top of hydroton (noob mistake, but worked anyway).

Here’s today’s mix tub…these just have a lot less stem exposed.


Checked roots before I left this morning. Not looking good. Getting pool shock today. Also have ocean forest soil and solo cups on hand…everything needs to be transplanted entirely. Going to take the dwc apart and wash it all again. Started 2 bagseeds from some killer. Not sure what to do. Cant believe this is happening.


Going to be moving these into soil once I get my fabric pots…dwc is going to be put away for a while.


Just found out that I haven’t been applying the pool shock properly. I originally added 4 fl. oz.'s to my rez and the same every few days after. I haven’t seen any good results. I should have been adding 14 fl. oz.'s to rez. Not sure where I got my stupid numbers from.

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of pool shock to a gallon of water.
Use 2 fluid ounces of premixed pool shock solution per gallon of water in rez.

Pretty friggin straighforward. Gonna blame it on the egg nog and keep going.


This grow has been suspenseful! Full of all kinds of twists and turns. So are you sticking with DWC now or still moving them to soil? :v:


Twists and turns, no doubt! Was hoping to start flowering already.
Fabric pots will be here in a week or two…if no drastic improvements, then jumping to all soil for a couple grows.

These are like a month old…but most growth has just happened in the last 3 days. Assuming they’re just going to start throwing roots first, then proceed with veg. The seedling on the right was a bag seed from some killer a few years ago.

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Roots (some) coming in nice here too!! Production here will determine if they will go into the fabric pots when they arrive or live out their days in the dwc. Still a toss-up.

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Got the fabric pots yesterday. Everything went into soil this morning and DWC gets put away for a while…sucks, but what do you do.
Here we were…everything halted for, like, a month or something.

Will take to soil pretty fast I imagine…dumped loose hydroton out and buried the net pots with the roots…didnt want to risk tearing the roots apart.

Here we are today…
Bottom half of the pot is ffof with added perlite. Top half is promix with added perlite.
Watered with fresh water, ph’d to 6.0.
Light about 12" away at 50% power.

Will veg for a week or 2 then flip…only using 1 gallon fabric pots, looking for a quick turnover…these should have been flowering for a couple weeks already.
3 x UFS18
1 x pineapple chunk
1 x cookies kush
1 x GSC x strawberry cough



6 days later.


