Grow #2: The Overload

So… :slightly_smiling_face: I decided to try to take on too much lol.
I went from a 1 plant 1st grow to 4 plants… And like 12 clones… Figured I’d try my hand in cloning … I did some direct to coco, and some in water. Using clonex on all
3 BOG’s Blue Kush
1 other
The ones in solo cups were given to me, and have been repotted since the picture.
All cuts are from Blue Kush.
The 4 have been vegging for about a month and a half now (terrible picture sorry lights screw with the camera on full blast. :neutral_face:)
The clones, I’m using the shade from the bigger plants to keep them out of direct light.
I will be moving the clones to a smaller space to veg out some, while keeping the 4 and flipping to flower soon


And so it begins… :rofl: Before you know it there’s 25, then 60… They just keep multiplying!

Clones are looking good… I never had much luck rooting in pucks / cups so I built a bubble cloner. But so far your babies look pretty healthy, good luck with em…


I have some air stones and pumps. Ive been meaning to build something. But so far, this is working. Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken eh? On the list for sure though. Using a bit of h2o2 in the water for the cuts though!!


So we have some growth. Went ahead and flipped the big plants to flower.

Cuts are rooting well
The Straight-to-Cup cuts haven’t grown much. But I’ve done a light ppm Potassium Phosphate mist to:

  1. Keep them Moist.
  2. Promote root growth.

Straight to cup cut already coming out of the bottom:

And the water cuts rooted well :slight_smile:

Got them in some Coco and fed a nice (light but) healthy dose of nutes

I think straight to coco might be my way to go honestly.

Water changes daily / or / Coco, mist, and light water with very light h2o2
I think I’ll go the latter
Especially if roots are already hitting bottom of the cup


Just some updates.
The big ones are starting their flowers.

Blue kush (tall ones)

Other one (not blue kush/middle plant)

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Looking good.
Noticing some discoloring on lower fan leaves.
Are you checking ph?

On the water going in, yes. Not the water coming out
I noticed that a bit myself.
I usually try to keep my water going in, between 5.8-6.1 pH

With the increased number of plants, plus increased amount of personal stuff I’m working with, I haven’t paid as much attention this run
I also haven’t been doing flushes like I probably should, I’m sure there’s some salt buildup

I just recently watered + lights are off, next watering I’ll get some levels of my runoff

I was also just made aware that some of the plants I was given have the possibility of having powdery mildew.
And look what I found

Now what…

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I understand that Dr. Zymes does a great job on PM.
I have not had to use it for that, so no first hand experience.

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That looks like good stuff :+1:
I’ll get my hands on some.
For now, I have some potassium bicarbonate on hand. I’ll make a mix of it in some RO water.

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The one I grew from seed. The bushier one in the middle… pink trichromes? :scream:

I’ll get more of the blue kush in a bit

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Mildew finally popped back up again. Had stopped the potassium bicarbonate spray,

Mistake. I’ll have to deep clean the area after these ones are done. 🤦🤷

I thought this was neat as hell. My from seed, is still pink :slight_smile:

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