First Journal (3rd Grow) Dialing it in

This is my first journal, and it’s my third grow. Hopefully, I can refine my skills this time. I’ve learned a lot from my first two grows.

James Loud Genetics (Italian Apple)
Brothers Grimm (Cinderella Purple XX)
Raw Genetics (Cherry Paloma)


Good Luck with your first Journal. I had a couple grows down too before my first.

:green_heart: :seedling:


You’ve got this.
What’s the description of the cinderella purple xx???
Any c99 is worth growing. :v:


Purple Urkle x Cinderella 99


I don’t think many would even go for something like it. Everyone is into the next best thing. The “Hype” strains.


You are absolutely correct, terrible weed. Send it all to me and I’ll dispose of it for you :wink:


C99 is legendary. Pisses all over these cookie strains. The purple urkle added will just make it lean more indica.


The last two times, I soaked my seeds for 24 hours and then sandwiched them between two paper towels, placing them in a ziplock bag.

This time, I planted them directly into the Mother Earth Terracraft Potting soil, adding about a shot glass of bottled water to each one. I was too lazy to make RO water. All but one popped. Fortunately, I had planted a backup for that one. The Cherry Paloma.


Well… it’s offical that one duplicate I planted didn’t pop.


I took the dome off on Friday and increased the light intensity to 50% I also increased the humidity to 70%

The one on the top right took some damage from the light. I raised the light up a few inches.

I hope it will be fine.

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Raised the light even higher. I’m not sure if I should just lower the brightness from 50%

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I’m pretty sure I messed up with hardening off.

It seems like they’re stunted. It’s been 28 days, and I’ve increased the frequency of waterings and decreased the light intensity. Each cup now has roots coming through the bottom.

I’ve allowed these to continue growing, but in the meantime, I’ve also started duplicate seedlings. In my opinion, I’ve already wasted 26-28 days.

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Well… I think I figured it out… I just remembered I mixed a left over bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest into my Terracraft bag… So…I assume the soil has been too “Hot” for my seedlings.

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I run one spider farmer in a 2x4 and i keep it about 2ft above at around 15-25% if seedling start to stretch i raise it 5% per day until stretching slows.

I dont think you need 2 leds running for seedlings that seems like a lot of light.

Edit im no pro, rookie as could be just putting my 2 cents in


Yeah, the other light isn’t on. It was just in the photo.

@seeds2weeds You raise your light the more they stretch?

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How often are you watering them?

Yea i try to keep the light at least 18 inches above canopy, once they get some structure i crank the light up to around 40-50% and raise it 2-3ft and adjust to how plants react

Right now im on day 34f light is on 65% and raised about 2-3 ft from canopy ill have to measure to get an exact distance

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I’ve been watering about every other day. Humidity is 70+

I use RO water and PH to 6.5 I’m honestly lost… I’ve only had a few grows as mentioned and never encountered this before with seedlings. It’s not genetics. It’s something I’m doing wrong or the grow media?

That’s way too often for seedlings, that is probably at least part of the issue.

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Take it for whats it is worth, but I think you main issue is the media you are growing the seeds in. What I am seeing looks a lot like the problems I had long ago due to the seeds I was growing not liking the soil I was using. I would suggest trying a different soil. But that is my opinion on this.

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