6,500 people pardoned for possession

This is extremely true… I know mine will… but that’s the bigger problem…

People just need to smoke and talk and figure each other out lol

Imagine before every summit, the world leaders were given an edible…

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Imagine if all those fucking idiots who are in office now were voted the fuck out and replaced. Now we’re talking. But I digress and tread on the political spectrum and here’s where I bow out.


Hell yea! I don’t care who is doing it. It should’ve already been done.


It should be treated the same way as alcohol and driving a car. It should have an age limit. I started in the third grade. It’s hard to tell me what’s legal and what isn’t. I’ve been here over half a century they all do is wrong and have done us wrong.


They tried that here in Michigan, but they had problems proving impairment.
So if anything happens with the mouth swab you have good reason to fight it.
They no longer do on-the-road testing for cannabis impairment.
Oh, and fuck them drug tests, I had randoms for 30 years in construction.
So I feel for ya having to deal with that shit.
Be nice if federal legalization made that go away for sure!


I drive better when I’m high. But legalization will require it I’m afraid. I just don’t see how they’ll tell it you’re high or not like you said. I think that will create problems with leo.

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There was a bunch of articles on cop roadside testing just prior legalization in Canada.
There were a number of concerns about the ability of showing someone was impaired vs just having traceable metabolites in their system.
The point at the time was you couldn’t tell if anyone was impaired or just smoked up within a couple days of the test.
I haven’t seen or read of anything since. It just never seemed to be a real issue, in the day to day world, not like alcohol.



Next person to get a post hidden takes a week’s vacation.

The rules are so simple.

But there’s always a snowflake waiting in the wings to open up their mouth and say some dumb shit, no matter what side theyre screaming for


Snow melts.
A week in the cooler for you!!!

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I guess I missed all the fun


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It’s never enough for some.people.
I swear to …jesus or thor or satan

Better yet - psychedelics. :vulcan_salute:

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There are no sides of the aisle, just the appearance of two sides to keep people fighting with each other instead of with the rich douchehats lining their pockets off our backs. Neither “side” gives a shit about us and there’s almost always an angle being played.

That being said it would be childish and ignorant to not give the sitting president credit for something big like this regardless of where on the political spectrum you fall. I’m sure if Trump had done this even the left would give him credit because it’s an unequivocally positive move.


When the elephant is bigger than the room itself, everyone keeps getting squished and shoved by their neighbors, who continue to blame the offending elbow, boot, or fist because, well, invisible elephants can’t be blamed.

Lol, sorry, trying to stay away from these type threads, listen to what Slick says he gets it🤣


In short, simple possession is the possession of a small amount of a controlled substance, for personal use. I don’t think there’s a set amount, but 30g is probably over the limit… only because the government would allege that it’s more than enough for personal use, and you intended to sell it. Of course, this is about what people get convicted of, not what they’re charged with. Prosecutors agree to reduced charges all the time (when you have a good attorney, as always harsher criminal penalties fall disproportionately on poor people).

When it comes down to it though, given that this is about federal charges, the pardon will mostly affect people who possessed small amounts of cannabis in a place subject to federal jurisdiction: i.e. in the District of Columbia, or a national park, or on a plane or crossing over waters subject to federal jurisdiction.

People charged with cannabis possession by the feds who don’t full under one of those categories? They probably aren’t eligible (absent a really good attorney who got the charges knocked down) because you would have had to have garnered the feds attention and be worth their while, they don’t generally go after penny-ante stuff in the states.


Its a meaningless gesture ment to distract and garner a few votes, if you cant see that then your willfully ignoring the fact. NO ONE is in prison for federal misdemeanors of weed first and foremost. But its a good reason for the lost ball crowd to find another reason to distract from the current administration by bringing up someone who hasnt been in office for two years. If you think that anything really meaningful will happen in the next couple years your kidding yourself. Obama had 8 years to do something and did nothing significant to change the scheduling. Face it until the bed buddies of politicians of both sided have locked down the profit factor nothing will come about. Big pharma isnt giving up this profit and thats why they PAY BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. But if you feel better OK. Id prefer mean tweets and $2 gas and low inflation. But I guess you like paying these prices so long as you have some kind of self designated moral high ground.


Show me a person who is in federal prison for only a misdemeanor weed possession. And getting ready to walk out. Crickets.


FY 2021, 149 people in federal prison for simple possession (2015, 2000 people). That’s according to Business Insider citing a US Sentencing Commission report.


Cool, if he were smarter he’d de-schedule it within the next couple weeks. Midterms would be in the bag. I don’t much like either party, but I’m a bisexual ethnically Jewish guy so I’m inclined to vote against one party more than the other.

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