6 years of OverGrow Anniversary Party $500 in prizes! A pot for pot Medium grow kit winner announced Sat. July 30th 2022

Overgrow the world


OverGrow the world Thanks to everyone involved and to a great community of people here on OG.


That’s some killer sounding old school :fire:

Nice get @Heather420!

Overgrow the world!!!



OverGrow the World - Drop Seeds Not Bombs


OVERGROW the world!


The Ak47 was 5 seeds Motarebel gifted me. On the bag it said… Ak47 by Serious Seeds " The real deal"…
The cross is big from the AK and gets dark purple hues…
Shoot me your info… Heather420


Overgrow the world!

This is really a generous giveaway. Warms the heart.


Dibs… just in case one has been missed… we are stoners after all…lol


Me!? :flushed: :confused: I’m not! Only smoke a bit! To say the least…! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
@Carty Ok. agree!!! You’re right!! :relieved:


Thanks for the awesome ness on display here @Heliosphear !
OverGrow the world!


It doesn’t surprise me that you set this up. Very OG of you and your better half.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Overgrow the world!


Thank you. I need your help… our mission statement is to Overgrow the World. A pot for pot looks to be a good starter. Im working on a email to provide more prizes for OG’s. Please let me know how i can improve this rough draft.

I have purchased the starter kit and medium kit to be given away to people on overgrow. I am interested in your product and how it could help people who have never grown before make that start, The medium size 2 gallon will be given away at the end of seven years of Overgrow anniversary party. The starter kit will be given away July 4th. I would be willing purchase the deluxe to replace the the medium size currently being given away if you are willing to match the combined value of the two purchases I’ve already made and the purchase of the deluxe $650 total. You pay for the shipping of the products that your offering for the match. I will pay the shipping for the deluxe after I get an address for the prize winner on August 1, 2022. you ship the product directly to the winner. I will Randomly throughout the celebration give away your matched items and then provide the addresses as they are given away for you to ship the product directly to that person. Everyone who wins will be encouraged to use the product and show us how it works and if it’s worth the money for others to buy your product for themselves.
If your not will to join us in this attempt to help more people use your product. Please donate to Overgrow an equal value to the products I have already purchased to be given away. If you chose to accept this offer i will use the medium kit in my own grow, with seeds from a member our community to show how the products works in real time.

All OG are welcome to help.


“If you are not willing to”?

If they are not willing to what? We have half a sentence but the intention is not clear. In the eventuality that they are or are not willing to help more people use their product, what then?


Well I meant to DM this but instead replied to the thread. Cats out of the bag so I’ll post here so my critique may also be critiqued.

Here’s the rest of my thoughts:

Dear Whomever,

I am presently organizing a giveaway for an Overgrow.com anniversary party.

[Provide link to website event or some further details so they have some understanding of the nature of this event, and the demographic in attendance.]

The prizes for the event include a [starter and medium kit – fix the name of the products for readability :wink: ] which I have recently purchased for the giveaway.

Sure yeah this is close enough but when is the end of the overgrow party? They don’t know. Brevity and precision

The medium prize winner will be announced [datetime], and the winner of the starter kit will be announced [datetime].

If you’re asking for more prizes, when would those be given away?

What are we asking here? For a donation? Or a dollar match? There’s too many conditions on this, I’m lost bruv…

“I would like to purchase the deluxe to replace the [medium product] prize…” I dunno, sounds like they get the short end of the stick

Would (you/your business) be interested in contributing prizes to this event equal to the value of [list of prizes] to be given away between [some temporal interval]. To further incentivize such contribiution I would additionally like to purchase a [product].

Save the details like shipping costs and logistics for when you get a positive response. Also it’s the weekend, isn’t this a bit last minute?

There’s lots of ways to fluff this, all of them correct… well most of them.

The giveaway is a great opportunity to showcase the [starter kit product] to a wider audience of home growers in the market for [starter kit type products description].

So you’re saying you want the medium, or only conditionally? Too many conditions in too many places, I’m a simpleton

[Put a nice concluding statement here]

Please let me know if you would be interested in contributing/promotion for the event. Thank you for interest. SS/BW :100::bee: (lol, not really)

Concluding thoughts

Break it down to:

  • I am doing this
  • Would you like to do this
  • If you do this, I will do this
  • Thanks for your interest in this

Hope this isn’t too much or annoying, just trying to help with a similar type of message I would use to ask for donations for the non-profits I have worked at.

Hello! I am holding an anniversary party for the Cannabis forum I am part of. We have over (insert member numbers here) that are participating in the event.

I have chosen your ingenious product as one of the potential prizes in our random drawing during this event. I purchased your product(insert the name here) with my own funds, however, there is an even larger turnout than anticipated.

Therefore, I would love to give your company the chance to participate by matching my gift with another of equal size(insert name of one you bought) or even better, perhaps the larger size(insert name of the larger size one).

I understand you might be hesitant to participate, but I know that the recognition from over(insert member numbers again) eyes would be very beneficial and potentially outweigh any costs accrued for donating such a prize. In fact, it would be a great pleasure to have a representative of (company name) as a judge and to assist in choosing a winner.(that might be stepping on your toes @Heliosphear so if you don’t like that, erase it).

I would also love to conduct a test grow using your product and genetics easily obtained from our community. This will help to showcase how easy it is for anyone to follow the motto of our forum, which is “Overgrow the World.”

If this sounds like something you would be interested in pursuing further, please, feel free to email me back at(insert your email) and we can chat more about the details and logistics.

Thank you for your time!




“I would be willing purchase”

don’t really know how to quote


Thank you, this absolutely what I needed. The rough draft was just getting started, I’m wearing wrist braces right now and smoking heavily to deal with the pain that’s triggering my PTSD. I type all day for work and I’m spent, Thank you for taking this on. I’m not offering this to the other prize products, if your not busy…. Could you please write a email for the other three prize products that asks them to match the prize already purchased with equal value or donate that amount to OverGrow. Work in a coupon code for OG’s that makes the product more available during times that are hard on everyone. You understand what we are trying to do as a community, I must go now and rest, won’t be here tomorrow. Gotta take a break, every incredible thing I’ve ever seen took more than one person to make it memorable. Thank you @Dr.VitaminGreen

OG’s Thank you for your support. OverGrow the World, your inspiration is beyond compare.

Seeyah July 4th, be good to yourself.


Oh mate sounds sensational, you should try reversing it I’ve always respected mota rebel and if he says it’s a special one my ears prick up. Ak is a phenomenal strain and I would do anything to have the pre 95 version. It would be invaluable!


That’s crazy I was just looking at some AK-47 just now. ATF is really what I want.


Oops doxxed myself. Fortunately everything I put on the internet is fake.