8-Ball Kush, is it real?

Greetings All, I am still new to this amazing site and twice this past week, while Boasting of how much Fun I’m having here on OG… I was asked about a Kush strain that is All New to me.

Has anybody heard of, or worked with an “8-Ball Kush” strain… ?

Both people that asked, have spouses with Ailments. So it really truly surprised me to be hit with the same question in such a short timeframe. I’m not able to list ailments, so there is no particular Answer I’m looking for…

Just trying to get my head around it…

How far does the Kush-line go ?

Whats-up with the 8-Ball ?


Its a barneys farm strain. Very real and pretty good. I have had it a few times.


Thank You for that.
Could tell from the name it was not of “legendary” status.
STILL, I will ask fewer questions like that one lol


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A Bubba Kush cross.
It is ‘around’, I see it at OCS. (government store, Ontario, Canada)



Hey @MissinBissin , I have moved this post as you put it in the trade feedback section which is only for trade feedback threads. :v:

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Much appreciated, Thank You Doug