Afghani x Ogkush (Obama Kush)

I am currently growing a locally purchased clone of an Afghani x Ogkush, and was wondering if this strain will be worth cross pollination. It was a gifted plant, from my fiance, not genetics that I was after. However, I decided to care for this plant, as it was from the heart.
Does anyone know any fine details about this strain that I am simply not finding in my online research? If anybody has experience growing this plant, give me a jingle and tell me the gist. Or, any experience smoking this strain. I’m thinking that if I could get some first hand information on this strain, I’d be better of. As opposed to simply reading from these sites that seem to glorify every single strain in existence.

Anyhow, I appreciate any feedback given.

Thank you for your time.



Is it Obama Kush? If so, it’s Mendo Purps x Bubba and it’s really good stuff.


That’s interesting. All the posts I’ve found suggests that it’s an Afghani x Ogkush.
Now I’m totally confused.

@PatHealy is correct about the lineage of Obama Kush and yes sir it is fabulous!
It sounds like what you have could be nice as well. Most likely to be very potent.

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I see what you mean by what you find online. Maybe yours is afghan x OG Kush. The one I grew is by Founding Fathers/ CSI Humboldt and it is mendo purps x bubba.


Well, that being said…
I am on the west coast, not all that far from Humboldt. And when I received the plant, all it said on the tag was “Obama Kush.” There’s no mention on the label of lineage or breeder. In fact, I have been confused by its structure as well. Which is less of an Afghani style than I would have expected. I suppose I’ll have to just wait and see what the buds turn out to be.
Thanks for the feedback. It’s fully appreciated!!!

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Obama Kush is one of my favorite med strains for making gummies. Works every time. :100: :fire:



Bro check these out. Should tick all your boxes.


I bet this strain kicks ass. I like OG Kush in anything. :100: :fire:


That looks really really good.


I figured with you growing djs blueberry anyway and mix it with the meds you take its a win win.

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It’s the price of the seeds that puts you off but if its what it states it is it should be right up @ColeLennon Street and worthy of the price. :v:


You probably got the Tigard farms cut, from Redbeard I would imagine. Especially if you are in the Humboldt vicinity. Definitely a killer strain, that bubba cut is absolutely stellar and mendo Purps is also straight legendary

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I’ve only grown a Obama Kush cross but man was she ever tasty. It was Obama Kush x Space Queen(?) The strain was called Conspiracy Kush from subcool. Crop King Seeds (bullshit company) used subcools pictures of conspiracy Kush to market their own random strain, probably thinking no one would recognize it since it’s an old discontinued strain… but conspiracy Kush is one of the first plants I grew and subs picture is the reason I purchased them. Called them out on it a couple years back but they are probably still using it.


They are still using his picture-

And here is a photo of the conspiracy kush-

Now, space queen, that’s a legendary plant!

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