8 week flower issue

Thanks for the reply, it is not a RDWC system, the pots just take the water from the bottom, so no stone or air pump at all. I run before a DWC and it was a PITA to change the water, as my tent is in the mansard and has no water. With this system I just have to fill the tank, which would be outside as Esrgood4u recommended, and the plants would empty it for me.

The tent is 240 x 120 x 200 cm (sorry, metrics here :grin:) so my only worry is the size of the pot, after reading 30 liters is too much. Thanks for the calculation, but I am not a DIY at all, in fact, I take profit of my guests and they hang my pictures in the wall and fit everything, I pay them with good weed and several beers. :innocent:

Sorry for the off-topic, I am beguinning to think that 16 liters (litres in UK :grin:) might be a good option ā€¦ :sunglasses:


Aye thatā€™s kinda similar to a flood and drain but without the drain lol. Iā€™ve got an inline tee and 2 inline valves already in the shed. Water change time I plan to switch the 2 over and put the hose through a hole in the shed floor :wink: same way I drained the flood and drain when I ran that.
My tents only got 150cm height. (We also work with metrics here itā€™s only really for OG I reference room sizes in feet lol)

With your extra height is say go for the 16litre pots. Im only gonna have about 3ft from pot top to light with a fan and filter in so needs to be able to be kept in check. Plus less spend on nutrients.

I wasnā€™t necessarily saying to build an RDWC yourself. More that it might work out cheaper to build your own system to suit if you enjoyed the build stuff.

WHY I run my Octopots. Simple, no hassle, WORKS!!! Bottom self feeding is where it is at for me.


Thanks, I never enjoy building anything even with detailed instructions :sweat_smile:, Iā€™m still asking me how could I manage to mount that big tent alone :sweat:. The hose might be a good idea but no way to make a hole, I am renting this house. Height shouldnā€™t be a problem and I have also HLG Quantum boards so no heat and more height available. 16 liters looks the more reasonable option, now I only need to buy some LITFA and acquire more skills, I get really depressed reading those grow diaries ā€¦ :worried:

Hi Jetdro, I was inspired by your Octopots after watching your gorgeous results, this system is what I could find here, cheers ā€¦


IF it helps, ran them with 3 gallon bags up top, NOT enough space.

6 US gallons works excellent ā€¦sorry not up on your litersā€¦let me go convert

22 liters