A 30 years old's wisdom

Where is the beef?


100 yards after you saw a blue rock on the ground :wink:


Aile 3 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Bahaha, seriously though…. If we ever find it I’ll split it with you.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Is it some ark of the covenant type thing ? :thinking:

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tell me more about the ‘delayed gratification’. is this the same as the NO FAP fad?

what did it teach you?
what did you gain?
what’s the goal in mind, never cum alone? Once a month, week, day, hour?

Do you have prostate cancer ;)?

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question everything…

How long to civil war in the usa?

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In the context I used delayed gratification to mean controlling the urge to take an immadiate reward in favor of accepting a bigger or better reward at a later time.

In your early to mid 20s it is said you should invest whatever money you make to learn new skills that can later be monetized, usually late 20 to early 30s instead of picking a “good paying job” earlier. Hence patience :wink:

The same principle also apply to sex. You can have sexy time when you want but would not release everytime, leading to stronger orgasms when you do.

Aside orgasms some people experience a surge in energy after a week of retention, more focused, clearer head.

For people addicted to porn, there will be withdrawal symptoms, feeling sick, troubled sleep etc but they will eventually benefit

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“Rumors of war”

I’m strictly speaking opinions here but I tend to think the days of real wars is long gone. We now have daylight subversion, demoralization and a TON of scripts to move the masses. The duality world we are so used to isn’t organic… there is tension amidst the populus, that said when needed I believe true community leaders will go off script and break the spell.


So if you hit yourself on the arm, and it hurts…

Does it mean you’re strong or does it mean that you’re weak? :rofl:


Why do they call it taking a dump, instead of leaving a dump?


So, no sane would intentionally hit themselves knowing it would hurt.
This shows me that that person is unaware of their capacity (self doubt) or overestimates their resilience, cocky, low self esteem :upside_down_face:

Languages are funny like that :joy:

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Hmmm. Now that one is deep.


Nope, cash , and some illicit goodies! We were drunk af, convinced by a woman that my mother in laws was being raided and I was next, it’s somewhere near Cambridge by the driving range. That’s the extent of what I know, and believe me we’ve looked, metal detectors and all ffs. This was 2002 so 21 years, unless someone else found it idk.

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I wrapped a husk around it can you grip this. :rofl:

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Why does it hurt when I pee?


Well… ?
