They seem to be doing ok so far. Now on Novamax bloom at EC1.6 Ph6. The Diablo350r is at around 315w.
Take care and keep well.
They seem to be doing ok so far. Now on Novamax bloom at EC1.6 Ph6. The Diablo350r is at around 315w.
Take care and keep well.
Back on form bud aye
Around day 40 now all seems well. HLG Diablo350r is at 315w so not maxed out doesn’t need to be . Feeds been at EC1.6 PH6 using just Novamax bloom.
Take care and keep well.
Nice looking plants
Feeds now at EC 1.4 PH6 using Novamax bloom. The Diablo350r is at 315w and does a great job.
Take care and keep well.
Day 56 or so and the back row of clone Ganesh’s have been on water for five days. The two strawberry Ak47 and seed Ganesh started plain water today. The Diablo350r has been at around 315w most of the time. Novamax has done a great job considering the simplicity of it.
Ganesh clones
Seed Ganesh
Strawberry Ak47
Under the Diablo350r
Take care and keep well.
Made some Iceolator as soon as I started I remembered why I don’t do it. Dry siftings so much easier imho.
Might plant up next round this week motivations gone out of window
Some flowers.
Both strawberry Ak47
Second strawberry Ak47 from seed
Ganesh spirit one cut.
Ganesh spirit two seed
Ganesh three from seed.
Take care and keep well.
Potted up the cuts I took from last round. They have been in seedling pots same way I keep mums. They have been hacked back several times. The rear row got it a few weeks ago and the front three not so long ago . They should perk up next week or so. The Diablo350r is at around 200w and lowered in height. Feeds been Novamax and roots excel at EC 1.4 Ph6.
Take care and keep well.
They have picked up after potting up. Feeds been at EC 1.4 Ph6 using Novamax with roots excel or Nitrozyme. The Diablo 350r is at around 200w. Already roots at the hole so prob start flowering middle of week.
Take care and keep well.
Tidy result wi the last lot arf aye
Nice bit ay hash too
Seed Ganesh? Crosses?
Or just from seed instead o clone?
They originally from seed and slowly choosing which one I like. So mainly cloned . Hope yous keeping good ?
Feed is now Novamax bloom @EC1.6 PH6 ,so start of week three. Lights at around 330w and doing well.
Take care and keep well.
I got the Borg so used sb invigorator which is nicer slower a day or so. So nuked two days ago with dr shimmel not seen anything move since. From now if I do only sb get used. I’ve thinned the plants out to make spraying easier. Apart from that all is well. Fed at EC 1.6 ph6. Lights at 315w
Early signs
Plan A treatments
If that don’t work I cull the lots and spray this Albanian stuff on surfaces of cupboards o wouldn’t use this on plants lol
Take care and keep well.
Treatments seem to have worked so far not seen any whilst looking. Feeds been at EC 1.6 PH6 using Novamax bloom only. The Diablo 350r is just a touch under 300w for now.
Take care and keep well
No sign of any pests. A bit of leaf damage prob from the spraying. Feeds been at EC 1.6 ph6 using just Novamax bloom. The hlg Diablo350r is at 315w.
Take care and keep well.
Today’s feed was at EC1.4 PH6 using Novamax bloom only. Bit lower as it’s hot weather. The Diablo350r is at around 315w. All flowering plants doing ok some deformed leaves from the spider mite treatments, should be ok no sign on daily checks.
The next round are up Celia BX1 which was Oldtimer1 plants Turnspit genetics was given his plants to work before he passed. There’s also Bline F2 which was originally done by Oldtimer1 and someone’s made some more.
Celia and Bline
Current lot mid flower.
How they look under the Diablo350r v1
Take care and keep well.