Explorer's extended expeditions

So here I am again, unfortunately the Infinite Euphoria seeds haven’t made it to me as of yet it could still happen but I ordered some feminised seeds from The Vault this week and I got myself 1 Dr Krippling “Delhi Friend”, 3 Seedsman “Girl Scout Crack” and 3 ripper seeds “Washing Machine” I got a couple other freebies but but for this run so far I’ll just be attempting to germ all 7 of the above.

I used my Essentials PH pen to test the water, add 1ml of rhizotonic to just below 2L of water and then PHed.

I then proceeded to dunk my paper towels into the water and spilled the beans pack by pack through three sets and labelled accordingly.

Now for the details on this grow. They will be under a 100W of 3000K COB LEDs for the vegging period before I move them into flower with what I am not sure yet totally weather dependant for me :+1:

Will give more details when these germinate I aim to have a more detailed grow log this time around so let’s wait and see :man_shrugging:


Luvely Jubley, I am watching with bated breath. I am hoping you are going to flower them inside under those lights as I want to see how well they do. I am thinking of flowering under my home made cob lights. So I can save some power and rest up the HPS for a bit.


Going to need a lot more than 100w of LED to flower 7 plants indoors.

Are all those beans normal photos, or auto’s too @Explorer ? Think you’ll have enough time in your growing season to finish them outdoors? I’d go for it, as long as you don’t have concerns of pollen being around.


I have more :)…


I’m shopping. Wife has recently gotten into breeding Brugmansias (Angel Trumpets) and I get to turn our basement into a big grow-op. Fortunately for the wallet, I work for an electrical wholesaler.


Lucky you :slight_smile: Its great when you can get a good deal, thats going to save you a lot of $


I was thinking of possibly adding some more lights to my cab for flower or just using my Spectrum King in the tent I think it’s gunna take a while to veg them to a size I’m happy with but need to remember my tent isn’t all that huge I’m used to using my bigger tent but that’s having kids for ya :rofl:

@Schmokey they’re all photoperiod seeds I’ve given the autos a break stick to what I know and it’ll be indoors only 100W for veg to save me some money.


A growroom diary starting from seeds, that’s what I like! :grin: Will be interesting to see, good luck with it … :sunglasses:


So at 48 hours I checked on them and they had all popped.

So I prepared some water and let it sit a little while and then mixed some medium together at 2 cups perlite to 6 cups coco(I have 8 plants total) that in my head anyway is 75/25 mix which is where I like to be with it. I then added my Rhizotonic at 1ml per litre and PHed the water I was aiming for 6 but got 5.9 I can live with that.

Then I rolled a fat joint while I waited for the water to settle, once I’d finished smoking that badboy I soaked each cup through with the Rhizo water and let them drain before I pre-poked some seed holes set at 1.5CM deep(tape marker)

Stuck them in the drobe which is sat steady at 24.5C dropping to just over 20C at night. And now it’s back to patiently waiting for them to pop the coco :+1:


That girl Scout crack should be lethal. Who’s the breeder @Explorer? ?


They’re from Seedsman bro, Green Crack x Girl Scout Cookies.


:laughing: I could tell by the name mate.
I’ve got a few seedsman Bruce banger for my next photoperiod grow.

OG kush x strawberry diesel :+1:


Thanks for the detailed info “Coco Kid” :grin:, already bookmarked and willing to learn, nice job so far …


Pmsl to be honest I just went through vault seedbanks an I got tired of lookin so passed phone to the mrs and she saw it we laughed about the name and that was sold :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: that Bruce Banger does sound tasty though and should come out frosty an that’s what we all want init.

Lmao @George this one is gunna be more detailed so if people wanna learn it’s all there man :+1::blush:


Well l this morning I woke up to a nice surprise. Our first dirt popper :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Looks a bit weird but that’s just where the shell has come off in a funky angle :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Checked em before lights out 5 up n out so far just the two Washing Machine to come up which probably will both be by morning no real surprise as they were the ones with the smallest taproots so fingers crossed we have all 7/7 up by tomorrow :crossed_fingers:t2:


Well the bastards still haven’t come up for air the late bloomers are Washing Machine #2 and #3. Every other seed has popped surfaced and shelled seed so I’m hoping they’re just late bloomers and that they didn’t die :rofl: anywho I swapped from house bulb to actual lighting today so let’s get it see how it goes cos I never trial ran my lights for temp :rofl:

I’m going to try and leave the two none poppers alone I am impatient as fuck and at some point
I’m probably gunna dig for them but for now I’m gunna leave them be if halfway through today no signs then deffo checking them.


Looking good bro. Ran out of likes btw


Cheers mush just dialling it in now but we’re at 29C which makes me worry but just turned the fan up and it’s almost instantly below 29 this is still far better than the SK in there it hit 36C within an hour in the drobe :joy: stuck my desk fan on too so might have to add a 4” intake still gunna give it til dinner time til I check on them again don’t wanna keep opening the door disturbing temps. Lights look sick as fuck in the drobe though bro :100::ok_hand:

It’s looking like a roaster of a day so far though bet that auto is loving life if it’s still alive :rofl:


It’s a cracker of a day this side of the hill too mate. I had the same issues in a drobe then I ordered an Amazon 4" fan and filter (they’re quiet) and got them steady around 24c. Lights do look mint in the drive bro. I will get to building this cob cool tube soon enough.

Almost made my co2 laser controller now. Some tricky shit