A gift from Jaws

Lol, I’m piecing together blurples, strips and whatever I can to keep my veg room alive and this guy has a DIABLO collecting dust! Haha @SmokinJoeMGF must be nice MR HLG :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: looking great bro!


I’m about to have more lol.
A large facility I sold some lights too are having some issues with a few lights. Gonna replace 94 scorpion diablo X’s next week. Some of the drivers aren’t working right so we are replacing them all.


Holy crap! Yep I’m jealous! I remember you talking about this over yonder. I’d love to have that job haha! Hmu if you ever have any absolute steals! Probs only way I’ll get one anytime soon.


Yeah I wish it was my job selling lights. Unfortunately it’s only a hobby. I’m an industrial HVAC technician in my day job.
Don’t get me wrong, I like my job. I get to go to all sorts of factory’s and see all sorts of neat shit. Even though I have to work in the snow, ice , rain, heat and get called out in the middle of the night sometimes it beats the hell outta going to the same ole place doing the same fucking thing day after day.


No doubt, I feel you bro. Monotony is a killer.


Soooo… discounted Scorpion Diablo lights for the cost of shipping? Okay, I’m in :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face::wink::bear:


Looking nice :+1:


They will be on the refurbished rack soon


These aren’t from Jaws but I don’t want to start a thread for them yet so I’m gonna log em here for now.

Chem D x Darlins Net= Darlins Dawgs bread by Seedpac for a animal rescue fund raiser a few years ago.
I have 5 females and 2 males.
I plan to collect pollen from the males and make f2’s with each female.bi probably do a branch or 2 on each with each male but not certain on that yet . The males are about a week into flower and the girls are still vegging for a few more weeks.
So without further adieu here they are. I’ll post more of the ladies later


sounds like an interesting cross, good luck in the run


Here’s the girls


May as well give an update on the jaws gear.
2/10 of the Hawaiian Bud look to be males so I put them in the male flower chamber to be certain. The rast aren’t showing any signs of sex yet. First is the Hawaiian Bud

DMT, CDMT, and Deep Chunk


Final tally on the Hawaiian is 6 females and 4 males.
I’ve been giving it some thought and since jaws told me I was welcome to to play with anything he has to offer I’ll be making f3’s with these. I don’t know anything about em other than they are f2’s of 70’s era Hawaiian and in the 70’s I had several encounters with some very nice Kona gold. Soooooo I’ll make a few seeds to pass around while I’m doing a pheno hunt. I’m not gonna keep a male from this run because of space constraints but a chamber is in the planning stages.
Ok I’ll save my ramblings for another time and show the boys we have to choose from. For what ever reason I topped 2 of em but I’ve been keeping an eye and have made my choice for the first batch of beans. I’ll keep pollen from each of em to use because they all show potential but 1 stands out above the rest in vigor and that’s what my first selection will be for.


Nevermind the little deep chunk males. They grow like the DMT. If you want to see some action you better have patience. They veg like watching paint dry.


Have you got any pics of the Hawaiian? I haven’t seen any yet and really have no idea what to expect


here ya go.

peace …


Of course, mine are not as well done as the master grower’s (Jaws) are, and only a month into flower.
First plant.

Second plant.

Third plant.

Some of the best priced genetics I’ve run into lately.
All the best to ya, webe.


HAHAHA no master grower over here in any terms, i get some good ones off now-n-then but im just a grower for real. no ego’s over here.

very glad your liking though …


But @webeblzr is right about good priced genetics. I’ve got 3 Jaw’s Genetics going right now. Getting ready to start something else. Just can’t decide. Been eyeballing the Root Dawgs. How wrong could I go?. Not very…


yes great lakes has my utter and total respect, the awesome group of ppl have had my back from day one. no flakery no bull just straight up awesome group of ppl.

DUDE those root dawgs are very good and i just made some sour rootdawg that’s are also going to be heavy hitting put you to bed genetics.

sour rootdawg

the SWEET TREE SAP phenol can be found in these, SOUR OG * ROOTDAWG.

brother wait until you and @TopShelfTrees1 see what im doing next.

much respect as always my brother …