A word about censorship

Actually… I think the slow mode thing is a great idea. Stop, think about what you’re saying or about to say and maybe- just maybe re-read what has already been posted and re-evaluate what you are about to post and how to say what you have to say in the best possible way you can. :+1:


I could not agree more! It’s a good thing!


Yeah, that’s a great tool outta the old toolbox for these mods I’m sure. :wink:


one quick question a little off topic but i have been trying to figure it out on my own, where are you from? the grammar doesn’t fit any languages i know or know of. next, i think this statement is wrong, as i speak freely all the time, every time, without regard to what anyone thinks or how i will be judged. i may be wrong, but from some of the asinine and inflammatory shit i see posted it looks like some others do as well but i may be wrong.

i’ve been on many message boards, chats, and forums since 1982 and one thing i have learned is there is no such thing as ‘off-topic’ since the topic is what the participants are engaged in, not necessarily what is stated at the top.

i came here because i used to be part of a community that helped me learn how to grow weed who happened to live all around the world. i missed it, and now that i am back, even if only less than a year, it feels better than it did then, is one of the nicest and most helpful places i’ve found, and is where i spend more time than anywhere else except work, way too much sometimes.

if i just wanted to grow weed i’d be doing it, not reading about it. this is way beyond just growing it, it is learning about all aspects of it, including the personalities of those doing it in other places.

more than that, it stops arguments in their tracks since replies can’t fly back and forth. when one has time to cool off, the anger mostly dissipates, for most in any case as i saw it mentioned above about sitting and stewing in it. that is due to unhealthy coping skills gained by years of living in this toxic society and is hard to get rid of. i had been trying for almost three decades until it finally took 3 days in the sicu and a meeting with a council of angels to change me. 10/10 do not recommend, but very effective.

anyway, it’s a gorgeous day, have fun everyone, stay safe, and try not to get in trouble. tschüss!


I’m from Portugal, difficult language to master. And sorry for all the writing mistakes I can do.
I might be wrong but as long as you think before speak, you will be conditioned by the social demands as standards.
But in my mind this don’t happen only among strangers, it startes when you answer to your wife that the dinner is ok, instead of it’s a crap, you choose the words based not only on your feelings but also on others feelings, you may even tell that the crappy dinner is amazing if your beloved had a real bad day and is down. (Just a small example)
And I think that is part of the human and social nature, my dog don’t care if is going to hurt me, when she sees me, it’s a burst of hapiness and is pure, quite different from humans, right now is world wide censorship because everybody must get so frustrated with others do and say so as we read this some books and even classical theater plays are being re-writen so some groups don’t get offended or even mentioned.
Small children are pure, they just ask out loud: why is that woman belly so big? Just curiosity without any social concerns.
What to say about people that we don’t know and may be trying to create a connection or to impress them?
I sure try to choose the right words so the meaning can go thru, no butt licking or shoe licking.


Honesty is the most sincere form of respect. But too much honesty can be a disaster.


Adults are really big small children.


Very good post @TastyCrop


Not all but many.

:green_heart: :seedling: