Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

The Colombians i saw had huge yields looked just like the HzC types even the high was identical.

They are still grown here Tom along with the Red Colombians but they are not as common as the Green.

Some prefer to grow these types yea.

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I’ve never grown a Haze before, what Haze should I grow

Let’s be clear about this. 99% of Colombian was horrible. Here’s another antidotal correlation - the decent ones didn’t yield for shit.


For most folk I’d say get some haze seed off somebody like Hempy out of nevils camp. Most of you guys are pretty cheap dates is the reality. Maha’s stuff is more serious in my opinion. I have the best stash lol.


I kinda lazy to prove it though


Seems to be the pastern lol


What seeds of yours are the best in your opinion.

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I went to haze first when it is the same age and germination ratio as deep Chunk.


But I am jumping on DC now :joy:

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If I had a decent example of haze and a decent example of deep Chunk I will fully smoke all you clowns at any opportune


I can only go by what i saw and smoked here Tom like you i am not a fan of the Colombian highs but that dont mean the ones i smoked were weak they were not i just preferred the Thai.

Some say Thai dont yield also i think they do as do the Colombians i came across the Red Colombian dont have the huge fat flowers so they yield less but still produce well for a single plant.


If somebody wanted to give me odds on a million dollar bet I might go to work but failing that kinda scenario I just don’t care.


Every decent yielder you seen likely had some of sams junk ass one Mexican in it is my point and that shit pinches the back of your brain in the lowest quality of way.


I am from the west coast of California you are from down under we were fucking there. What is the point of entertaining some bullshit scenario from Nebraska?


Thinking of purchasing some ag seeds haze the Columbian one, good idea or no? On sale 10 for 50

I’d pull the trigger at that price Sam wants $2 and Todd want to get fiddy cense. Todd is an idiot but it’s only one idiot removed from Sam.


I would not put too much stock in whether it’s lumbo or Thai though.


Don’t know shit about haze but I’m gonna find out, nothing to it but to grow it

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**[quote=“TomHill, post:4103, topic:42083, full:true”]
I would not put too much stock in whether it’s lumbo or Thai though.

Tf is limbo? Someone school me please.

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As far as Sam was concerned in 1994 haze was mexico/Colombia/s. India/Thai. Now it’s Colombian and all my travel I was hallucinating on his peds.