Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

It the same as grapefruit astringent profiles or anything else. I can tell you guys about it, but I can not understand it for you.

Ps, your guys’ country’s are full of idiots too so don’t even think about coming at us lol. Just be cool man, and cull them. What lol?


Bro you edited a post are you okay?
blink twice if so


Yes I did they have some jackass 3 post rule here now and shabang is rolling over in his grave. You got something to say? I can go into biometrical genetic mode at the blink of an eye. Biometrics for those who don’t know is an other term for quantitative genetics.


I’ve never seen it, but I think humans will end up being like the “above ground” future humans in the old, “The Time Machine” movie. Like when the girl is drowning, and they are too stupid to even be able to reason enough to understand consequence or the significance of death.

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It would be cool to go off on a useful tangent but who the fuck would understand it.

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Quotas on ideas :laughing:

I stopped studying because the more I knew the less results I got. Now I just grow more plants lol

Let’s hear it

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Send me off on any topic mithy go ahead.

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I enjoy understanding.

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Meh sure, we know the effects of malnutrition in humans continue well after being fed right for a couple generations, is there any parallel to this in cannabis


Yes and you’ve missed the plot entirely. Here it goes. There is only one way to make a lab rat extend his life and that is by fasting. The same goes for cannabis, humans, and all other living things on this planet. Next question.


It is not malnutrition dumb ass lol. It is chronic acidosis that is your enemy. Cancer nor pm not botrytis can take root in an alkaline being. this is reality. I surf, therefore I am better than you. It’s ok man you only need to worry about iQ 64 and that was like 99 lol.

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Well played.

Seeing how ph affects polarity and many processes require alkaline conditions, is acidity the reason for chick weed

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Yeah yeah. Disease of all sort has a pH value where it can live. I make it my business to know a bunch of them and so should you.

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I am not sure if I am correct but I have grown cannabis for 40 years and I at least try to pay attention to things. Most of your world I don’t care about but I watch lol.


You could have actually asked something mithy, lol. It would have been cool to have a decent conversation there is shit that haunts you and your brother has an opinion about it.


I admit it was a poor attempt lol

Just not into it, brain is going 1000mph and none is about weed


Do you live within 10 miles of the ocean or are you out of fucking place?

Your speaking greek to me…

at least I think you are… if anything your an egigma Tom

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Fully sucks to say it but it’s true :joy:

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No mountain or ocean within 100s