Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

im pretty sure the term hybrid is still an adequate term for 2 unrelated varieties crossed with each other ,
you can present information that proves that wrong if you like ,
in the meantime ,
for our purposes here , and how i have used the term ,
will certainly be fine …

we all know haze as a strain ,
the same as we know skunk ,
northern lights etc




The quotes you’re making on hemp (which are contextually not wrong, even if i can’t identify these quotes) are based on a singularity at the scale of the hemp industry. Even on experimental matters.

In my sight, it’s a bit like quoting little islands owning precious wood production, to talk more globally about
large scale forestry.

The historic grounds where the top producers of hemp (since centuries), owning/producing by the way the best genetics and the best fibers of the world are well known. And their “secrets” too, it’s purely industrial and far from our little stoned world full of unproductive stories.

At least by the two digits generations lines they work and also their respective professional exhaustive documentation ^^ Approximation and romanticism mean sanctions that hit multiple millions. There isn’t “you’re just a newb” escape possible when it’s concerning acres of production, and you never buy “because you feel it or because one have flooded the forums with fancy pics”. It’s a very long process leading to long term consequences, even if it’s an annual.

I understand your effort to balance the “fiber=meh” with a counter example and i find it legit, but this example is the worst possible to push your belief that high grade fiber don’t mean low (wanted) cannabinoids.

The most controversial production on this matter, that can eventually temper the absolutism (and serve your point) is simply the Thailand ^^

Let me give you a treat (to @Cactus too) :

All the references quoted in the introduction are pretty much solid, after this it’s a funny bonus expanding the debate to a higher level. Jump to the conclusion before eating the dry process of inoculation.

Or maybe it’s just correlated with the “japanese stuff to smoke” of Ace; still an opportunity to throw some treats anyway ^^


I am in awe


Been away from the grove for about 10 days. Fall is upon these plants. Lots of leaf senescence. Some shots before it got too dark.

Ace Green OTH x A5. Very OTH leaning, but now looks like it will be done around Thanksgiving which must be from the A5.

Fairly Thai leaning Positronic Haze from old Tom seed stock. Also should finish in next few weeks.

IMG_6281 IMG_6285


Maha Kala Acid Beauties.

Lots of dainty popcorn flowers

And a sneak peak at the potted Juicy Woo in darkness


P420 x Sowahh…
P420= (N-haze x O-Haze)x (THH x A5hbx x Mac).


You could have just asked me for links Fuel.

Why do i feel this post is passive aggressive ?

From the UN [Office on Drugs and Crime]



Thanks for the link, i appreciate the intention.

Not at all agressive from my intentions, i just reacted to the drift on hemp because my passive with it.
Nothing more. It’s an opposite interaction yes, but i’m very far from your love story with wally ^^

The two last (bolden) quotes are really addressed.

1st : At a certain level of refinement (let’s call it high grade, or the formula one of both sides), i just can’t buy this radical segregation you do between the fiber production and the cannabinoids production. With more context, like i don’t know only talking about raw material or hemp hybrids why not, i can ear it eventually.

2nd : You see an agression, i see a kind manner to give you a more relevant (and documented) context that the singular japanese hemp to talk fibers relationship.

Now it’s the first time of my life one quote the UN in a breeding discussion ^^

To smoke the peace pipe, a quote from the past that remember us what we lose in marketing, transmission :

(Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year 1873,Hon. Horace Capron, Formerly U.S. Commissioner of Agriculture)


Hemp is raised on valley-lands, which are dug up and flooded the same as for rice, and the same kind of fertilizers are used, that is, rape-seed or fish oil-cake, straw-manure, sea-weed, or liquid manure from closets. The hemp is not sown broadcast as with us, but is planted in March in drills 16 inches apart. As soon as the plants are well up they are hoed, and in addition to the manure worked into the soil previous to the planting, two or three times each month liquid manure is applied to the roots of each plant. Between these drills some kind of vegetable is grown and thoroughly fertilized. The ground is completely flooded several times by means of the ubiquitous irrigating ditches. In August the hemp is pulled, not cut, and is placed in the water-ditches and alternately soaked a few days and then dried for a time, till the external coating is thoroughly rotted; it is then beaten on a board or plank platform with a bamboo stick till the fiber is entirely cleaned. Another method for separating the fiber is by holding a number of the stems near their tops with the left hand, (an equal number at each time,) and with the right hand breaking them short off and stripping the fiber from the stems. This leaves it in hanks of uniform size, which is retained through the whole process until baled for market. To relieve the fiber of its glutinous coating is a very simple process. A thin piece of bamboo, about 3 inches wide and 2 or 3 feet long, is stretched over two bridges in a manner similar to the hairs on a fiddle-bow, so as to render it elastic; this is fastened in a convenient manner a little inclined. The hanks of hemp in the damp state are laid upon this as they are stripped, then another piece of bamboo, curved like a currier’s scraper, is run down over this several times till the fiber is entirely clean. These hanks are then hung over bamboo rods to dry. It is then pressed into bales of 100 pounds each, and sent on pack-horses to market. It is probably the finest hemp grown in the world. The great length, fineness, glossiness, and strength of the staple are unequaled.

I have been unable to ascertain the average yield of hemp per acre. It is sold very low in the market at present, but when the proper machinery is invented for working this fiber it will prove a mine of wealth to Japan.

Flax is grown on the same soil as hemp, and manured the same, and prepared in like manner for market. It is also noted for its excellence. These two crops are raised by rotation, that is, are never grown two seasons in succession on the same ground.

update : I like this diagram in the UN document ^^


I had a folder full of great links on the topic of Hemp but lost it all but the topic of hemp peeked my interest when i read about the wild cannabis crops in Australia 3 in NSW where the first settlers were and the third out side of what is now known as Brisbane QLD. All brought here by Joseph Banks: scientist, explorer and botanist.

I to thought there was also a difference between Hemp and Cannabis the drug strain until i started to dig deeper.

Prohibition is the cause for the development of Industrial hemp which is very different to traditional variety’s of old world Hemp.

This is the link to the Psychoactive cannabis in Japan


((Haze x Sk1) x Sk1 ) x (Haze x Sk1)
10 days since flip
6 females (Along the walls) , 4 males( In the middle).


Why the Spanish who were Catholics were not users, unless new research shows otherwise, was because of this

In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII passed a bull, or decree, labelling cannabis an “unholy sacrament” and banning its use among the faithful. During the time of the Inquisition, medicinal and hallucinogenic herbs were associated with magic and witchcraft.


10 days is fast for them to show sex yet they look like they have a good % of Haze nice and healthy to great job.


Thanks, instead of 12/12 I flipped straight to 11/13.

From my observation lately on, it reduces the time to show sex. I was thinking it also reduces the stretch but then one of my clones in flower blew a hole in that logic by stretching the same as mother under 12/12.

Have a great day!


I’m burning to answer to this (neo-disclaimer : peacefully, even opposed ^^) but not the right place. You’re 100% dedicated (on OG) to this “honey pot” thread, not practical ^^ Since its publication, it resume well my opinion on the question (with some complementary variations).

May I post some Jack Herer and NL#5 x Haze here next round ? At least to show the patterns of the infamy and its agent of devil, the NL inside :smile:


I started to play around with lowering lights on to see if i could reduce the sexing and start of flowering in Thais and it worked i go as low as 7 / 17.


I would love to see them Fuel.

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Moors is a term generally used by Europeans to describe the Muslim people of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. Between 711 C.E. and 1492 C.E. Muslim people of African descent controlled parts of Iberia which consist of modern-day Spain and Portugal.

CE (Common Era) is the secular equivalent of AD


Welcome new member @StoneGuru to OG! I wanted to invite him over here to the haze heads corner.

They are dropping science about 5Haze and other stuff on their Alpine Haze thread that is answering a bunch of questions I’ve had, take a read and say hello to a fellow haze lover!