Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

I cant say it was carrot I was smelling but that’s the descriptive everyone seems to use. Mine was more like machine shop oil, spices and weirdness. The weirdness would be like bell peppers in that I hate the smell of those, but it wasn’t actually that smell…just an example.

All this talk though, now I’m gonna throw my last zamaldelica fem seed in my next run. Saving my reg seeds for later.

Lol I can’t pursue one thing let alone pursuing it all


i resisted growing it because having tried a few corrot smelling sativas ,
i wasnt a huge fan either ,
but i was pleasantly surprised when i finally did try zamal ,
while in early flowering i did notice some carrot ,
later on it adapted a tea tree oil sort of aroma ,
quite strong too , as was the resulting weed …


Tea tree, winter green, eucalyptol phellandrene are all ones spectrums I really do enjoy

You make a very good point. Only the most minor change of terpenes changes everything. On the basement I made a friendly challenge to find anything with higher ocimene than Silk S. What ocimene smells like on the living plant is a bit of an herbal citrus. When ignited it smells like the dankest frankincense you could imagine with something like a touch of salt or pool. Almost makes you yearn for it.

That is part of what that terpene does. Why piff fanatics have an almost addictive or compulsory response, but that is on a Myrcene base no terpinolene.

No one found as high of a test with Myrcene primary and that high of ocimene secondary. But one friend did find one equally as high with terpinolene. It was a cheese line boasting it’s succulent cheesiness.

So changing out just one terpene turn temple church haze to cheese. But consider this. Both church and cheese cause an almost compulsory insatiable appetite with that something like salt to them both.

Anyway. everything or anything we want could be right under our nose and not even know it.


Does any one have or know where to find a Zam analysis to see what’s at play?


I grew a really nice feminized Zamaldelica quite a few years back, maybe 2015? It had what I caled a vegatitive aroma which I think might be the carrot aroma people speak off …

The high was pleasant/social in low doses and could be a little trippy after a decent tolerance break with a high dose.

I probably would have grown it again expect for dubi seemingly always changing his parents and newer grows seemed to take after the Malawi parent which I’m not a fan off.


Hard to trust ACE analysis as they do not mention when they have indica lineage in their “pure sativa” genetics IE. Malawi and by extension >>> Zamaldelica


Breh, hard to believe you had a pure sativa (landrace)durban with chunky, dense flowers.

@hammerheadgenetics i would argue it’s a numbers game to find the gems. It’s also tricky when lots of the so-called pure sativas are actually hybrids containing indica as you’d ultimately be getting some watered down representation


It’s always been in the numbers to find the real gems. Trusting those selling the seeds they are what they say they are is all we got. If there listed as a pure Sativa I have to go by that. Do I think most if not all cannabis today is a hybrid YES!.


I scored one of the Zamaldelica breeders packs a few years ago. It has some great Zamal back crosses


Popped some of the repro original haze I made using agseedco stock.


There’s a whole thread on ICMag with Dubi posting lab results and some discussion about them:

But here’s someone in that thread posting a third party analysis:


I like to go by a saying, trust but verify. I got fooled by ACE “pure sativa” marketing. Never again. Not to say there aren’t pure sativas available from them, just frustrating as a pure sativa hunter to get shnookered.

Doing due diligence/research can also save one a lot of time, money and frustration from having to grow out some watered down version of what you expected to be authentic.


I think you have a great point about how the smallest changes can really distinguish two lines with similar terpenes. But you may be oversimplifying the frankincense terpene relationships, many of the cannabis testing labs are limited in their terpene analysis so they’re really not able to provide the full picture.

There are some primary terpenes which most people know about like myrcene, ocimene, etc then their are long chain Terpenes which are not recorded and somewhat unknown.

So this incensey frankincense terpene profile may be a long chain terpene profile which is common in some varieties but because it takes certain triple mass quad spectrometries to validate its presence, it’s yet unknown to analysis at present.

Have you seen the frankincense terpene wheel for the Omani variety?

Here’s info on the papyrefira type and neglecta varieties:


Here are the minimum required terpenes to be tested in New York State, as you can see are only a fraction of the totality:


I have looked at this and many other graphs for various frankincense, but I am admittedly just barely seeing the stars are there let alone comprehending the universe. Perfumers and olfactory in general can only begin to be comprehended through a very organized study of both experiential isolations along with literature.

Then there is the different interactions of each as well as substitutions for example phellandrene is in cannabis and a likely sub for amyrin which I don’t think is…because everything changes it’s alchemy upon combustion so pinene before or after may be perceived differently. Or a rose with 300 some terpenes some not identified yet I have a soulmate cut that people come to their own conclusion is rose pedals. Petracore the smell of rain is no less experience than the smell of winter which is the crisp absence of smell. This effect could be experience in cannabis from pinene synth into camphene…then a pallette cleanse. So camphene in place of pinene may be more useful in perception of frankincense . I have had Pinene dom line and find it not similar. Has anyone ever cooked different foods and created the olfactory of a familiar ingredient not present at all?

I did over simplify because I don’t comprehend the universe of variables and alchemical reaction let alone how to communicate it. I do have a very sensitive and developed olfactory though. I can not consume cannabis to save my life if there isn’t an intrigue present.

What I can say for sure is that if you have smelled pure ocimene out of a vial it is completely different upon combustion.

I am so limited on this subject. I feel like this subject would take its 10,000 hrs of combined academic and experiential knowledge to really speak on. I am very interested , but also very early on.

My main point was that what is written and what is perceived are different and the most subtle change at any point changes our entire experience of it.


Are there smaller scale terpene analysis lab equipment sets ? Where would one get this equipment to test their own?

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Would anyone here among us in this thread, that was lucky enough to get THH beans he recently did a small release, be kind enough to share a few beans with me? I would be glad to trade. Have alot of heirloom gear. :+1:t3:🫘:fire:


May be worth asking on the basement as well. A few there got the big packs


Here are pics of Killer A5’s that I grew in 2019.
I bought these when they first dropped.
5 seedlings
I have height restrictions and I flipped these straight from seedling after about the second node formation.
Lights on for 10 and 14 off.
Malawi leaners went for 12 weeks and the hazey ones went 14.


Funny story.
I was out of town with some seedlings of Blissful Wizard in the same room as the Killer A5.
My wife missed a male and I ended up with a ton of seeds.
I tested seeds from 2 of the 5 seeded Killer A5 Hazes one short Malawi leaner and one of the hazier females.
Here is the outcome.