Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

a little commercial Cuban Black Haze with some Cuban coffee :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Apropos of entirely nothing… never mud-wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig enjoys it. I don’t know who the pig is in this thread, but there’s certainly a lot of mud being slung. I’m gonna have to bud-wash the bowl I was just packing now, I think some landed on me just from reading. :frowning:


Look at the haze grows people have documented, you would know if there was deep chunk in it. People have just started trashing other peoples pedigrees without any real basis

I agree tom could be a little more civil, but i know i would get upset if people made wild claims about me and what i do without any actual experience.


I don’t care who. Shit-posting when a simple clarification would do, gets the bin.

Keep the dialog cordial, keep it respectful, clarify misunderstandings with counter-arguments, bring facts or objective evidence to the table. Thank you.


The letters “iirc” in the original post indicated this was not some "“wild claim”. It indicated the poster was basically stating, “this is how I remember it, but I could be wrong”. There is no need to EVER trash somebody for such a post, simply correct it in a civil manner with something like, “I have to tell you, you did not recall correctly.” and move on



NL5 haze x widow hazy pheno coming along slowly but surely


So all gets deleted but this one calling people names ???

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Why doesnt the post above yours get the bin then ??? Just going by your very first sentence.

I’ve removed the most egregious posts and have made a notification. I get you are just trying support folk but it will likely provoke the on-going discord. Contextually you should have received the message. Which means, avoid the continuation of the BS moving forward else attract the ire of the moderation team.


Looking AWESOME!

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DNA Cannalope Haze on it’s final week before the chop.


AKBB Kali Mist - 100% Metal Haze taste and smell. Soaring, uplifting head high. A++

It matches the original Serious Seeds catalog description 100%.


Two Haze gals in the back (Original Haze x ONH) and one Goji OG boy in the front.

These gojis are all slooow growing (I’ve got 2 gals in another tent flowering) but they’ve got some dank stank coming off them!

Excited to see what these offspring will be like 🥹


Good interview @TomHill
In case anyone didnt catch


whassup haze heads hope y’all havin fun stayin ripped up on the regggggg! newbie homegrow nerd with a few sucessful DWC tent runs (and a few unsucessful plants!). I always overfeed until the plants are ugly and they turn out pretty awesome most of the time.

this winter I wanna grow out a bucket of Durban Poison, one of my allllll time favorite smokes and flavors. got my seeds already, from Purple Caper their “Luxor’s Durban” which is some kinda special big THCv cross.

I got three potential issues I’d like some advice on;

  1. My house is daggon cold in the winter and I grow under a small LED. How important is it to keep my closet warm? Is it a bigger concern with this type of genetics?

  2. My tent is short. Supercrop and short veg, right? Was planning on going down to 11 hours of light instead of 12/12 also.

  3. My experience is primarily with femized seeds, and feminized autoflowers at that. How many of these babies should I germinate? Keep in mind it’s more annoying process in DWC (major weak point to my method/setup). I’ve got a five pack and would prefer to just pop two, veg for only a couple weeks, and cull a male of one pops up. if both girls keep 'em goin. if both males be frustrated but start over with two more seeds without too much lost time.

thanks in advance grow nerds :pray::pray:


Solid plan on step 3. How cold does the room get where the plants are? A true Durban will be very tall and stretchy. What’s your height limit?


It can get pretty cold, especially at night. I ran my lights at night during the summer to keep cool during hot days and figure it also is helpful in winter for opposite reasons.

maybe as cold as 50sF at night if unmitigated but I can space heater it…grow space is in the coldest part of a cold old house, but in a decently sized and decently insulated closet.

the tent is not six feet tall, either 5 or 5&1/2 feet. light runs cool enough that I can tie it about 6-8 inches off the ceiling. I figure I’ll do my can filter on the floor also, bringing more heat down and thru the plant. usually I run standard buckets but I have a ton of 4" netcups and a 4" holesaw so can buy a tub to save some more height if necessary.

Yeah man I don’t dig that either as buzzed as I was I absolutely mean what I say always. I do not breed for any of you guys lol, I make seed for me and me alone. If I have remnant I try to share in a fair way. That’s as much as you’ll ever get from me.


The horse in the race that you imagine I have is just not there. I am on the side of cannabis alone. Scroll up. You got guys saying my shit is crossed out to DC because I kept all the original shit in there f*CK your ignorance. You got guys like Todd belittling and misrepresenting my source fuck all that too. Bottom line is I made an honest effort and do not lie or invent fairy tales about what I do. I do not swim in that shit. You guys can invent some other shit if you want it don’t make it true.