Aerospaced grinder warranty

So I’ve had my Aerospaced grinder since I bought my pax2 back in early 2018 (if memory serves right) well I don’t have the vaporizer anymore but kept the grinder that came free with it, a 2.5in Aerospaced 4 piece. Well over the last few years the screen had built up to point where it was so clogged with keif that even soaking it in iso alcohol/151 did nothing plus it had a rip in it. So tried taking it out to replace but couldn’t get the plastic ring back in. After searching to see if I could find anything online for repair but didn’t have any luck so i said fuck it and used the live chat on their site, had only been looking to find out how to change it or if they sold replacement screens ( turned out they don’t for my size) and instead the rep asked me my info and where I had purchased it, once that was done I had to email pics of it and found out that there is apparently a lifetime warranty on their grinders and they sent me a free replacement :grinning: needless to say I’m stoked. Will post pics once it comes in. Just wanted to share


That’s a well used grinder. Good deal getting a new one for sure!

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Yeah she’s been well loved, used and abused haha. Truthfully I still wanna replace the screen from original one but not arguing with a free replacement either.


May I suggest routine maintenance and cleaning??? There’s a nice little reward ya know.


Thats really good customer service, great to see it.
Hope your new grinder serves you well.

Im probably just old, but the 1st thing I do when I get a new grinder is to remove all the screens and such. Just personal preference.

Enjoy man.


I’ve never, in 20 years, had a grinder look like that. And I smoke alot of ganja.

Once a month give it a soak in acetone from the hardware store. Im currently using a 12 year old, cheap grinder that I got in a grab bag at hash bash. Still works almost like new.


I use rubbing alcohol to clean, just let the parts soak in it for 15 mins then wipe clean

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I usually try to at least a little bit, just didn’t have much luck with getting screen clean haha. Usually would clean out the threads and shit. The payoff is always good.

@Foreveryoung yeah I was surprised it took talking to customer service a couple times because of email issues but they got it figured out. Truthfully I didn’t realize the warranty was even active for it, had the mars hydro warranty fiasco running through my head but these people had their shit together haha.
Myself I prefer to have a screen love having the keif as a backup.


So I said fuck it and soaked it then tried putting screen in and we have success !

Ironically the new one should be here today


Got it today, looks like they decided to send a 3in one instead(I’m not arguing with a new bigger grinder for free)