🌿 Upgrade Your Herbal Ritual with "The Flower Mill"!

Tired of the grind? Experience the future of herb preparation with “The Flower Mill.”

:white_check_mark: Precision Milling: Elevate your herbs with a finer, consistent texture.
:white_check_mark: Full Flavor: Preserve the rich aroma and taste for a more satisfying experience.
:white_check_mark: Effortless: User-friendly design makes milling a breeze and cleanup a snap.
:white_check_mark: Stylish: Sleek, modern, and built to last.

Join the movement and redefine your herbal enjoyment. Discover “The Flower Mill” today! :seedling::rocket:


I’ve been considering buying one of these for a while now, had a tab open and everything, then a power outage lost all my tabs and for the life of me I could not remember the dang thing’s name. What the hell was it? What the hell was it?!!

So this is a long way around to say thank you for starting this thread/posing your question. It’s a pricey grinder, but my old wrists are just too sore sometimes to be twisting my Cali Crusher (which I find easier to twist than my other, more traditional, grinders).

Outta likes.


I’ve seen these but I have concerns that it may not perform as well with buds that are rock hard. Got any video’s of it tearing down something REALLY dense?


I’ve had the same thoughts. It’d be great if there was an OG who actually owns one and can address how well it works. Guess we’ll see.


@Habitt - I might just make one, if i cant find one.

@mota - I usually give out free stuff for the first person that buys each new product, It’s not likely id make an exception at this point. :thinking: so, there is that. :joy:


I have 2 of these

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That’s really cool! Now if they came in a 4 inch I’d be sold. An 8th might last me a day and my 4 inch grinder jenojemi holds 14 grams

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How do you think it works? Do they gum up as bad as more traditional toothed grinder? Is it actually easier to grind/turn the top? How’s the grind itself? So many questions…



I bought one bc of the stainless steel design and potential for a nicer grind, concern over aluminum shavings from most standard grinders. And god forbid you plastic grinder users…

There was a recall sort of as the design has aluminum in it and there was concern over shavings dropping into the bottom chamber. Some units were definitely seeing it, some not so much. So FM offered a discounted “fixed” model which apparently had some other issue a few months later, got a plastic disc to supposedly fix it which I don’t really like.
They don’t reach out over these issues, I was lucky enough to follow some other sites that mentioned it and reached out to get a resolution. After all this I gave up on a safer nicer grinder as it probably doesnt exist. There are 2 maybe more steel models out there but I’m not spending $ on any anytime soon.



Outta likes.

Thank you so much for the review. I’ve read about the metal shavings and the plastic insert/collar that was supposed to resolve it. Spin on their part. No real surprise.

Thanks again!


Overall it works easier than traditional grinders as the bud doesnt get stuck in teeth. It’s not a huge advantage but I have mostly full functioning wrists.
*The motion is easier as there is not resistance
Large nugs are a no no. Break them up into smaller pieces and it works well. It takes a bit more downward pressure to get super dense nugs but not bad. Some stuff I use almost no pressure.
I bought the extra plates and like the fine grind for most of my usage but go coarser for doobs. It’s nice and fluffy, more than others I’ve used but how much better than traditional grind.
If it gunks you can just do a ipa soak or throw it in the dishwasher.


xwi2Y3G I’m the dishwasher! ROFLMAO


It’s not too bad to clean, I am also the dishwasher(machine is kaput) I don’t like the drying and waiting part. Little crevices that hold water so I use a hairdryer normally


I too had been looking at those! And I probably would’ve bought one, but got drunk and bid in the Jew gold auction even though I said I wasn’t going to :roll_eyes:… it’s all for a good cause though so I don’t feel bad. I’ll just have to wait longer to get some new toys I suppose

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I’ve definitely been interested in one of these!
Joints are my preferred method of consumption, so fluffy grind is a must!

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Why are all the really cool things complicated to get in :canada: :sob: / :rofl:

Ooooh I want one!

Ok, I figured its about time i give a little review or the Flower Mill after about a month of use. Ill start with what could be better.

The size is just ok. I wish it were a bit larger, personal preference but still its only a 2.5in and i would have really loved it if it were a 3 or even 3.5. The other downside is you have to buy the additional pollen catch and milling plate expansions. I will admit the pollen catch screws to the bottom from the inside and that to me is pretty cool. :upside_down_face: and the milling plates swap out so easy I find myself changing them often.

Once you have the additional milling plates though, it is extremely convenient to be able to choose how fine or chunky i want my end product. Since i switch between King Palms and Raw papers, ill use a larger, chunky grind for the palms and the fine fluffy stuff for the papers.

Other than having to buy the parts separately, I love it. I wont be using a standard grinder ever again. In the beginning i was breaking up my bud too much and it actually made it harder to grind but using similar size nugs and not breaking them down as much it ends up grinding easier.


That looks sweet. 3in is better for me. But it looks like it cuts nicely.