SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

ok, full disclosure, lol …
i had a little scare over here → my landlord inspected the appartment to check
newly installed heating-elements. god bless my neighbour told me … so lucky (!)

this stalled the project for a tiny bit,
but now i am back on track :slight_smile:


ok, after 8 weeks of veg they finally jumped into the final pots and will be flipped soon.
some of the small ones were too long in their little shoes :crazy_face: but ah … they’ll recover.

it’s 16 ladies that will be hit by the three males.
there is trufflez (3 ladies), cherrytini (one lady), sherbert bubba, cap junky,
white cherry truffle f2 (fem), mendobreath f4 (marcel’s cut), cherry puff f1 #7
bakedwell pheno, sour diesel ibl 2006 riri cut, z-cube, lemon bundt cake …
err … dosilato … and more in there. (can’t remember the rest, lol *stonedSAN *)

aaaand we have three gents :slight_smile: here are the boys …

they are already prepared to join the girls after a week’s headstart in flower.
left one (#2) is my favorite ( → he smells of sweet cherries when handled).

i’ll take out the dames and let them catwalk for you up and down before flip :wink: