Agroecological guerrilla, in search of the True Brazilian Sativa

Water + soap + sulfur are very effective at killing the mites. Think of the situation as a family member that is threatened with violence. Yes, you can remove her attackers directly, but if you teach her jiujitsu, she can defend herself when you aren’t around.
Spray the plants with a diluted milk solution(not the lactobacilli that I mentioned before), and it will allow a FORCE FIELD of healthy bacteria to build up an invisible wall of defense against mold.
The problem with spaying NEEM this late into flowering, is that you will be smoking that NEEM and SOAP which is storing in the trichomes with each time you spray them. MILK is organic, will burn much more smoothly. You should stop spraying anything after week 4 of flowering. This situation is a bit different, but still wait a few days after spraying the soap to see if the mites have died. Brother, I want you to live a long life enjoy the ganja that you have grown with your own hands. :evergreen_tree:


I forgot to mention, only the plants at the beginning of flowering were treated …

The most advanced ones, only with EM + milk. I collect microorganisms in the forest with rice, and feed with sugarcane juice, after you mention Korean agriculture, I incorporated the milk and waited for a few days, now it is ready … To go ahead and have the ready disposal, now I will collect with the rice as you guided.

I had to act drastically, because I was unable to maintain the regularity of prevention …

After using insecticides, I will go back to strengthening the plant.

As for the neen residues, the plants that received it are more sativa, and I believe they go far in bloom

Thank you


Ok, that is good news. Drastic times call for drastic measures. It’s good that the plants still have many more weeks of flowering. The rain will rinse some of the excess residue away. In the future, the sooner you use the milk/lactobacilli foliar spray, the sooner they will build up a strong barrier to invaders.

I did notice that mycelium begins to grow in the soil after I watered the soil around the plants with lacto/water. It was shocking and fascinating at the same time. If you can get some diatomaceous earth, sprinkle it around the base of the plants. It is like applying an organic razor barbwire fence around your plants. Slugs and caterpillars will be sliced into pieces. Of course, beneficial bugs are always welcome in the garden.


It happened to me one season I got hit by mites so hard that I gave up on growing.

This is a pic of them b4 I had the mites, They were like 6ft and beautiful.

Then mites got me and I threw in the towel.

I’m only now getting back into growing again.

That mix you mentioned you are spraying sounds good.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


@Badger has a killer safer soap recipe. Some while back @dequilo explained a simple diy with certain soaps you can use. I don’t remember which ones are safe to use. Dequilo will remember.
Take care of them bugs fast. Last year I had clover mites wipe out a 8 foot plant within a week


If anyone is interested, here you go.


hey bro, sorry for the delay in responding

well let’s go by parts:

manga rosa:

yes that’s right bsc, not at all trustworthy, this seed bank is like a ghost always comes back, at the time it was fritz then changed its name several times but it always seemed the same person, always shameful, for a long time it was the only one possess the original manga rosa and its seeds but after a while it seems that he lost his mother and the seeds did not germinate and he burned himself with the community he has a record on the mrs. nice forum, iI have no idea how he says he got these seeds and the original cut, what I do know is that he is not Brazilian and that he passed the cut to some people while he had the original cut who has pink mango picked from him, one of those who I’m sure what he had was dubi (ACEseeds) and also the owner of Cannabiogen who is Colombian, but it seems that in 2017 he retired or sold the seed bank.
this other one who sells on stranly nowadays, when he finds out he is talking to Brazilians he stops responding.

Another thing to add is that the mango terpene is very common in sativas here so people take any sativa with mango terpene and say that manga rosa is the same as skunk has existed but today it is extinct, although many say they have skunk original,well, nowadays people believe anything

ACE seeds photos:

cabeça de nego:

Just to start the term “nego” is a pejorative term so the correct translation would be “nigga head” bahia black head never existed, if someone goes now to bahia and ask for bahia black head the guys will not even know what it is.
already the cabeça de nego marijuana this is just urban legend like skunk these days is something that some swear it was there others say they have seen, but evidence that it has never existed, what they say it is like a black brocolis but hard as rock and sticky like honey, some people say it is a purple phenotype of pink mango but there has never been a photo or anything like that.

pitanga = manga rosa x blue rocket (??)

santa maria herb: they came from 2 hippies 1 argentine and 1 colombian who was planting hidden in the church or it is very likely that the seeds were not from brazil.

pernanbuco red = ??? I do not know how it is possible to mix something from two countries, Colombia and Brazil and claim that it is a native Brazilian plant?

what always makes me a little uncomfortable in this matter is that just like fritz several people claim to have manga rosa, cabeça de nego ( bahia black head) among other “landrace do brasil” but the guaranteed source of these seeds never comes from brazil or brazilians, much less these people are known here in Brazil, there is no evidence, and there is no way to prove that these people were here by photos or videos or cultivation diary on any forum, so how is it possible to have so much original genetics from Brazil outside Brazil while here in Brazil is not available for Brazilians?
It is not available because nobody sells, cultivates or selects these seeds here, there are 2 types of marijuana in Brazil, marijuana in block (pressed) 80% of Brazil consumes this marijuana in block that comes from Paraguay, however the cultivation of marijuana there according to reports from Paraguay itself only started in the 1960s when drug traffickers from northeastern Brazil migrated their crops to Paraguay on the border with Brazil. The other marijuana that exists is the “soltinho do northeanordeste” planted there since the colonization by the Portuguese / Dutch and even French brought by them and also by the slaves in their hair braids and in their clothes there are reports that Portuguese sailors already smoked the Indian blood but never had a name outside the common ones that mean cannabis like maconha (most used name here), diamba, marijuana, fumod’ angola among others.
Those who plant to sell do not select only remove the males and then separate the seeds from the buds with a sieve to guarantee for the next planting it would not be economically viable to buy seeds and there is really no way to buy this amount of seeds to plant or do it or do not have what to plant in the next cycle is the same with other plants like corn, rice or lettuce.

Those who plant for their own consumption bought marijuana from the street found seeds and planted them and the vast majority that do this is because they do not have access to another type of seed or are new to planting and that is why they always end up giving up or the plant dies one of the many reasons is that some may take 26 weeks to finish.

To finish to say that you have a Brazilian sativa, you have to have bought pot or in a block or from the “soltinho do nordeste” (loose marijuana without pressing) to remove the seeds and make a selection of phenotype and separate the long-flowering sativas but even so it will not have a name. marijuana from the region where you bought it, there is also the possibility to buy it but whoever sells it has to at least prove where these genetics come from and I have never really seen any.

I have some photos of what it says is the real manga rosa planted in Brazil The photos are not mine, they are from 2 other creators and the photos are old I can post here or on another thread but specific,I don’t want to pollute the gugumelo’s thread are 30 photos or more.

26 weeks :

a report somewhat summarized in English, the Portuguese version is much more complete:

in Portuguese for those who understand or want to use the google translator:

report on soltinho do Nordeste:

reports that show that even today, “soltinho” is difficult for the northeastern side and with that consumption of marijuana in block has grown a lot there in the last years.

on January 23, 2021 Police action finds 450,000 marijuana plants in northern BA:

Suspect arrested in plantation with 48,000 marijuana plants in Bahia

same report with other photos:


I was looking for some natural solutions and apart from the essential oils, I found some things most of them were things that @RoryBorealis said but you can also apply a very strong pepper syrup, it is also possible to make an insecticide with castor leaves (folha de mamona) I saw once on you tube go alcohol and castor leaves then dilute 1 part to 10 of water from this alcohol.

other recipes I found:

horsetail tea → preventively and curatively. Because it has silica and practically replaces the armor itself. Just leave 500g of fresh, broken horsetail in 2L of chlorine-free water resting overnight, capped to avoid bugs. Dilute 1/10 (1 part of sieved syrup to 10 parts of water) and spray, preferably after turning off the light and during the full moon (preventively), as the sap from the concentrate plant in the leaves (aerial part) and the Insect pest in the aerial part is greater in the waning moon

powdered cinnamon → to be used in cuts after pruning, cloning and broken branches. Sprinkle on top. The problem is that it comes out in the rain or with some spray spray. It serves as a healing, fungicide and acaricide. Cinnamon oil is nematicide, diluted with water. Still to fight nematodes, the neem pie also has a nematicidal effect, always applying in the recommended measure.

Neutral detergent → for small infestations and preventive. Mix 1 tablespoon of neutral detergent in 1 liter of water. Add 1 teaspoon of powdered pepper, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or neem oil, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (increases absorption) and 3 to 4 tomato leaves squeezed in 1 glass of water (you can use a little of that 1 liter of water from the recipe) and sieve before adding to the mixture. Spray 3 days in a row. After each application, spray pure water after 15 minutes to remove residues after absorption and action on insects.

propolis extract → serves cucatrizant kin after pruning, clinics, etc. NOTE: does not come out in the water. As propolis is a natural antibiotic, you must avoid using it in irrigation diluted in water, especially in organic cultivation. I haven’t tested the PH, but I will test it, diluted in water, to see if it helps to even raise the PH in tanks with recirculating system, since it is antibiotic and natural fungicide.

Nutmeg → natural acaricide. Against spider mites. Leave 1 nutmeg head resting in 1 glass of water for 24 hours and crush and sift afterwards. Dilute 1/1 in water and spray.

NEW (at least for me :slight_smile:

70% isopropyl alcohol → kills fleas, mealybugs and probably spider mites (I haven’t tested it yet). If you have 100%, just add 150ML of filtered or chlorine-free water for every 350ML of 100% isopropyl alcohol.
How to use: Apply 1 time and quickly dry. Apply just 1 more time and you’re done. Repeat for 3 consecutive days if the infestation is very large.

But the most important thing is that to beat the mites and aphids you have to spray every two days and alternate the methods

another thing I use these magnifying glasses to look at one of them is the same as they sell for cell phones but I use them with the direct eye for them even a little difficult but it does the job



You should create a topic about the inheritances of South America, or Brazil …

I will read the information, thank you

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Thanks for mentioning the pepper syrup, I will give that a shot. I’m glad that you mentioned horsetail tea and cinnamon. Cinnamon is also great for the outdoors when dealing with ants. My local area has lots of fire ants, everywhere. I use Vietnamese cinnamon(stronger, spicier) as a wall of pepper spray that I sprinkle around the stem of the plant. it keeps them away until it rains, so I replace it every 3 days.
Horsetail is an excellent source of chitinase/salicylic acid, which works wonderfully to boost a plants natural defense systems.
Aloe vera produces more salicylic acid than any other plant per pound. The gel is the most effective carrier for the salicylic acid. One tablespoon per gallon of water can be applied as a foliar to build up young plants and to help rejuvenate weak, sickly plants.

Chitinase in particular, works as a birth control method against pests by dissolving their eggs- thus keeping pest populations low.

So, as you can see, we have many different options to explore when it comes to pest control and plant health.


Amazing thread

Reminds me why I went indoors.

Spread out your plants more and go larger numbers setup gps trail

If you have access to fish make a soil mix

Your pruning looks good

For flower get a sugar mix mollasses or anything not refined will get larger buds.

For wet days after spray a mix of baking soda and liquid soap take care mold. For buds make a garlic oil and cut browning off before spread.


@Shanti-ri and @RoryBorealis

Thanks for the information, I will study everything calmly. I will answer you in stages, lots of information.

I was already applying natural inputs, always homemade, and you are using the best obtained and easy to do options …

As I failed to manage, I am paying the price …

I am thinking, after researching here, of removing weak plants from the cultivation areas, I believe they are the main source of this infestation … Only now do I see the importance of early plant selection.

I realized that even with the soil practically the same, some plants did not develop fully, probably because of genetics …

I will visit the guerrilla again and post the news …

Thanks for the encouragement, outdoors we are related to many factors, if working with a chemist it would be easy. Your nominations are also well earned.

I’m looking to adapt the plants to my soil and climate …

Next season I will follow your advice, I will spread them more, and try to carry out the most efficient management …

We continue …


A very interesting story, I posted here not to miss …


This week I received another gift, this time from @George

Thank you very much, it is my first international package !!! I am very happy!!! As soon as possible, I will donate beans, as I received them !!!


Heck yea :+1:t4: @Gugumelo

That’s a pretty cool way to send beans @George

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


One more update: 02/14

We had a week with the sun, relative humidity between 60 and 70%.

The treatments had an effect, the plants that last week were infested with mites, recovered well …

Today I applied guano, ash and EM + milk, to fortify …

I also cleaned lower branches …

this is the most advanced.

button detail

another well in advance

button detail

area 2 overview

area 1 overview


you have very nice looking dog :slight_smile:

and love your grow

be safe and grow well



He posed for the photo, if I had sent him, he wouldn’t obey … :joy:


Looking good @Gugumelo

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Dogs are like us, at times even better! Massive buds! Congrats!

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