AllOra - Big Girls '24

My happiest girls this summer.

Afghan Haze

Jungle Spice

Herijuana x Deep Chunk

Jungle Spice 4 from @LeftHandSeeds
Afghan Haze from @AlmostDone (I think)
Heri by Deep Chunk - my cross, Heri from @Barefrog, Deep Chunk from LeftHandSeeds


They got started on this thread:

I made a new thread because, for the most part, the Novice (Auto Heri) grow got back-burnered. The one male and two of the females that flowered early have been bred together. There is a third female looks to be a bit later. I will grow it for a smoke test.


Found black spots on a bunch of my plants after a weekend away. Microscope leaf inspection showed several of these.

Last neem tonight. Some of the plants are beginning to flower but it’ll be month+ and a bunch of rains before they come down. I’m not worried.


Novice. Heavily seeded but still putting up fresh pistils. Just going to make the job stickier.


Girls will be boys!


Sad day. The OG Cookies x Mex sprouted balls today. As did an inferior Afghan Haze. They have gone to the mulch pile.

I will press on with the colloidal silver and the superior AH.


Hay herijuana x deep chunk damn that’s got to be :fire::fire::fire:

Been good :+1:


Enjoying the early flower on two of my favorite girls.

Jungle Spice

Herijuana x Deep Chunk


Currently 12 ppm. I’ll let it run overnight. Shooting for 50 ppm.

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Visitor this morning.


AllOra, What’s the Jungle Spice smell like? Is it a 50/50 pheno? Is this seed plant an F1 ?

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Not much smell unless I touch the trichomes. My previous indoor JS (F3) matured with a lovely Sprite/7Up smell. Aggressive body high with a strong psychoactive component.

The seeds are from OG’s own @lefthandseeds. Originally from Bodhi. Lefty took them to F4.

First spot of grey/brown mold on tall, slow Novice apex last night. Confirmed this morning and took her down.
It’s that time of year. Keep your eyes open my PNW friends.

Also harvested seeded Novice auto today. About 50 F4 (Tall Auto) seeds to go with the 30 (short Auto) and ~200 F3 maybes.

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Did the same thing last September, warm temps just shut down overnight and went to cool damp nights where I’m at. This year I didn’t even try doing outdoor. Been working my deck over though so I might be able to again next year. Indoor I don’t have to worry as much.

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