Am I doing this website, page, group,column right?

I hope these are in the right order (can’t tell on my phone

Found this container of seeds from highschool (2008-10)

Started an indoor grow as a soil project.
1pt miracle grow spahgnum moss
1pt miracle grow seed starter
1pt compost/local soil
1pt hand shredded coconut husk

Haven’t checked Ph on water yet, just my well water.
Nutrient mix: boiled egg water, then boil banana peels, steep black tea and black coffee. Strain and cool for 6 days.

Nutrient water 1 week, well water next week, alternate. Trim only on well water day. Trim first water second.Check weight dry, Water from bottom and check weight again.

Started a bag seed with 1 full spectrum light. November 2022
Wife bought the cute Lil greenhouse tray from Amazon that came with a blurple light…that’s how we learned about blurple.
Bought a true red/blue light a week later
Plant started growing we got a second full spectrum light.
Learned about mid range lights so we got 2 red/blue/full

Learned I was watering too frequently and developed fungal gnats. Treated with cinnamon and DE and reduced watering to every 7 days. Gnats gone.

Transplant went terrible. Some @$$#Ole on reddit told me to dip my roots in hydrogen peroxide to kill off any bad critters/bacteria…1 plant survived. This one 110% fell over and came back to life (sorry no pics) in less than 48 hrs.

Got too big for bathroom counter setup so I moved it to our spare bedroom (junk/storage room) where I made this cozy Lil set up with all her extra mirrors. I’m recently aware mirror’s may cause hot spots and tip burn but so far no issues yet.

Messed around with phototone app, it’s definitely dark enough when it has to be and could always be brighter!

Also aware that a tent would do a lot better containing usable light and temp and humidity and keep down dog fur. A better light is also in the works

Thinking about the AC INFINITY set up 3x3

Ran out of lunch break…can I come back to this post later and finish this train of thought…or do I have to make a new one every time?

Thanks for the help


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hi I’m new here