Lights in the Loo: DanCann number one and number two

Friends gave me a clone to play with. Haven’t tried growing weed since the eighties.

I put her in Miracle Gro and began learning how the kids are doing it these days.

Topping and mainline, LST supercropping filled my head at night. And what’s this autoflower and photoperiod business?

So much to learn and try out. Added a MarsHydro 2ft x 4ft tent with 200 watts to a spare bathroom.

So many new acronyms! Hardware store DIY RDWC system and Bluelabs to monitor PPM and PH.

This training is going to take forever! I bet I could grow a crop of autoflower before this one is over…

Enter Fog Dog from Atlas seed co

The grand scheme falls into place: Getting a quick auto for a tortoise and hare race!!


Nice! For stopping in the 80s you jumped right back in :beers: looking forward to seeing your progress. Good group here you’ll find lots of help if/when needed

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Thanks for taking a look StrongerthanDirt! I had a small crop that fried one night under sodium lights when a waterpump hose came off. Put that idea on the back burner for 35 yrs. Things seem a lot better now.

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I have the same yellow container but stopped using it. Always started to get alge inside.

Thanks Gho13! Those tubs were handy for many things. That experiment with trying to clone the cuttings didn’t last long. It really worked well when I used them stacked in a new dwc bucket until roots emerged and touched the water to save on using several gallons of nutrient mix before the plants needed it.

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The new Fog Dog auto DWC system uses continuous airstone and a small aquarium pump that side-feeds the net pot for 10 minutes every hour on the same timer that runs the existing system.


Bamboo for nsa SCROG trellis!