Help Diagnose LED Day 34 flower

Day 34 or so of flower first grow under GrowersChoice ROI-E 720
Got exhaust fan fresh air room is at 80F humidity 50%
I’m running 6x6 potting bed w Dr earth organic soil the cheap stuff had to get it in rush.
Still trying to dial in
need to work on my pH of water?
First grow need to work on everything got rushed into the set up. What are some organic soils I should look at with organic nutrients.
What set up does LED work best with?
Anything else I should consider?
First post let me know if I did it right😂
Thanks for help Shaka Love🤙🏽


Seems they need food - possibly cal mag


Really not bad at all, it looks like they’re using some nitrogen from older leaves. A shot of N and magnesium should help, but again it’s nothing too drastic so don’t freak out …they look great!


Cool thank you

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Thank you I was thinking same thing just haven’t done it yet

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hey, not bad, the scrog looks very nice and even, so how do you like your new light? I use growers choice in lec cmh. I like them so far.

and since its your first post Welcome to OG and thanks for the pics @Doob420


I love the light I’m no expert so it’s perfect so far on my first grow hopefully I can harness it’s power better get some big buds

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If it’s mainly upper leaves it could be light toxicity. Powerful LED fixtures burn plants very easily and i see it a lot these days. Keep doing it myself and i know to watch out for it :laughing: Have to lift the light or turn it down a bit…keep forgetting and a couple of days later their going pale on top.

I prefer hand fed coco with LED lighting cos i can (just about) keep up with the high nutrient demands. That and i quite like getting 8 to 10 oz dry from each plant lol


Are you feeding your plants anything or just the soil?

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I don’t think anything I’ve been using is correct I got some bud m bloom or something I mix that with water and then I got some terpinator that I was mixing in too. This run was rushed pretty hard clones came in and I had to set up everything so I bought some essential stuff that I thought would help the plants get a boost. Next run everythjng will be more calculated :joy:

Awesome thank you for the advice I’ve seen and heard a lot of people using coco I’ll do some research

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Right on. And do you know what strain this growing if not already been said?

Ice cream cake :call_me_hand:t4:

Hey @Doob420. Saw you on the introduction thread. It looks looks you have the same issue that I have with one of my ladys at the moment. I am also using LEDs. I raised my lights a tad and added some Cal-Mag. I should know in the morning if that was the proper diagnoses in my case. Heres what my leaves are looking like. I thought I had top shot photo of my plant. As far as the hight of your LEDs also has to do with types of strian. My other plant I have the same type of LED closer and shes loving it. Your setup looks verry nice. Hang in there we will figure it out. Ill check back in tom.


Awesome thank you I’m gonna try it out and I’ll have pictures in a couple days


Looks like mag. Epsom salt. Give you the mag and bump your sulfur up for terps. Sulfur plays a big part in terps so does potassium. But 1 tbsp epsom to a gal of water. Ph of input waters should be in low 6s.


Hey @Doob420 my leaves have darkend up a little bit. But I’m also going to add some Epsom salt like @rooted recommended.


More findings

You have quite the problem there,
If you went for the cheapest option that isn’t usually a good sign, problems used to appear sooner or later.
Can you tell us more about your grow practices?

You ph the water? Have you ph and ec the run off?
What kind if nutrients are you using for your plants (if any)
Temp and humidity?
Overall plant stage it is general looking or just one?

Wasn’t ph water or feeding correct nutrients before finally got around to it I’ll have pictures soon temp 80 humidity 40-55. Got GH trio, cal mag, Epsom salt,next run everuthing will be dialed.

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