First grow journal on OG

Hi All,

Long term student, finally posting my first grow journal. Might I add, 100% prop 215 compliant.

Specs: indoor hydro, House and Garden line plus Vitathrive, Rhizoblast, Hydroguard, lots of AN CalMag, OG Biowar just added, and little foliar early on with a few different blends. 1000w dimmable HPS with aircooled dome and 6” exhaust and AC

Exotic Genetics 2018 - Mint Chocolate Chip F2, Pizookies, Shiraz (not sure if this was actually released or just given as freebies)

In House Genetics - Slurricane fem, Black Cherry Pie x Jelly Breath bx, Grateful Breath x Purple Punch

Heavily Connected Seeds freebie - CSI Bubba’s Girl x OOKB

Ethos - Colorado Chem fem

WiFi x Blue Rhino - friends seed gift

Bag seed - Birthday Cake?

It’s a late start on the grow log, but here it goes… 4 weeks into flower, knocked the whole room up after taking cuttings of all. Keeping males and cuttings in other blocked rooms, while I let the Mint Chocolate Chip 8 males pollinate all the above varieties, some with multiple phenos. They are swollen all over and frosty. Birthday Cake bag seed looks and smells amazing.

In the pics are some nug shots from the previous grow which was soil


Welcome to OG & thanks for sharing with us. :sunglasses:



whats good man and welcome!
i think your gonna find alot here that will benefit your op


Thanks everyone! It’s my first attempt to make seeds purposefully so I can save some money on future runs hopefully

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and its fun man once you dabble with breeding your hooked, read up here though theres alot of things you can do to improve what you have already going


Nice. . . Check out this new thread :camera_flash::seat::popcorn:

Going to post photos in a few hours…

So, the Birthday Cake bag seed looks by far the best, structure, Frost, yield, etc. I hope to get a lot of beans out of her.

I got mostly males from my Mint Chocolate Chip F2’s, with 2 females, both small and I wouldn’t consider them keepers. They are in the lower 20% in size at 4 weeks.

However, I did get some pretty buff studs and I’m hoping the studs carry most of the vigor the females didnt.

Hoping the male studs of the MCC will breed vigor into the female Birthday Cake.

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Here’s an update at 45 days.


They sure are dark green bro, are you dropping your nitrogen durning flower?

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Here’s an updated pic, I’m following the House and Garden feeding chart to a T, but with some additives and stuff, up until week 6 when I introduced Mother of all blooms ( MOAB) and cut nutrients back 50%

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I’m soooo open to suggestions on improving btw Hoodini, and thanks my brutha

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Agreed. They look a little bit too green if you ask me.

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Either they are nice and swelled calyxes or your got seeds growing. . .:grin: kind of hard to tell in the pics, still looks dark, but if your following your feeding chart and not adding extra nitrogen then your doing great and it’s just that plants genotype that makes it dark
Edit-its seeds

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Thanks for the advice! I actually dropped some of the base nutrient levels more and added a little more bud stimulator, and they’re lightening up a lot and some purple on the tips of the calyxes of some.

Yes, growing seeds to be clear, so i can back up some strains for a later season.

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